Sunday, November 21, 2010

Cancer Intestinalfoto

The weather is beautiful, the plants themselves, and they go mad do not know whether it's springtime, and winter is coming.

Although hungry tits arrive en masse to the feeders

and elk are looking for food,

snout, however, the power of moles, which apparently heralds a light and a short winter, if at all.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Space Blankets Curtains


this month ends up almost entirely of plant growing season. Even late on a few trees and shrubs such as juniper , pine or spruce , mature seeds . Colored fruits persist even on some ornamental shrubs. We can admire min. red fruits rowan, Kalina , barberry and irgi . The deciduous trees due to wind last fall, brown and dried leaves. Lark flies - the last of us leaving for the winter birds. Can not see and flying insects. The whole of nature in the middle of the month will already be prepared for the winter period. We, too, we have to finish all the work to prepare our land for winter.

  • After the fall foliage is a good time to observe if the fruit trees are not hibernating forms of diseases and pests nest. Remove remaining on the trees, parched, mummified fruit.
  • should also collect and discard fallen fruit and leaves from trees that may become a source of infection disease next year. To guard against the possibility of transmission of disease, plant debris is best to burn or bury it deep.
  • thornless Blackberry vines and some require specific safeguards. Stems untying of the supports and partly shortened. Then put them on the ground or in a shallow groove and przysypujemy cover with soil or straw mat.
  • We can still convert compost, spread the manure , dig the green manure and mineral fertilization applied .
  • Shear and remove dried-on Part of annuals and perennials. Remove all plant parts infected diseases, as well, seed and flowers.
  • Until the land is not frozen, we can plant trees and shrubs. But remember to protect them from frost.
  • mid-November can still be planted heathers .
  • One of the most important works is the November covering sensitive plants to low temperatures . The soil around the plants resistant to frost little descent have wyściółkować pine bark, sawdust, pine needles or leaves. Shrubs Roses should be kopczykować ground and evergreen shrubs (azaleas, barberries) should be fully covered, with straw mats or branches of conifers.
  • After the first frost we secure discounts planted bulbs of tulips, narcissi, hyacinths and lilies. Soil should be covered, about 5 cm layer of leaf litter, peat, bark or chopped straw.
  • Before the advent of winter should be abundantly watered all deciduous and coniferous evergreen trees and shrubs, as a frequent cause of death of plants during the winter is not only cold but also the lack of water in the soil. On sunny winter days water evaporates from the soil, and plants are also being dried by the cold dry winds.

Monday, November 1, 2010

How Long Do Dvt After Flying

Preparing for winter

Many plants require a period of protection against low winter temperatures. We must prevent przemarznięciu plants, and often protect the soil from freezing around the plants. We can achieve this by using various types of insulation materials, whether natural or finished materials, purchased from the store ogrodniczym.Byliny, some of which-ground freezes, cover litter, leaves, straw or conifer branches. Shrubs such as roses, we protect them through the mounds, which shoots kopczykami LANDING epiphyses of the land. In very cold areas we cover with additional piles with straw. Young trees and shrubs are also protected by wrapping them with straw, and then around the jute or linen. Straw is placed in the spaces between the branches, starting from the bottom. After laying the straw loosely surround the plant with linen and ties with string. Trees can also protect the mats from straw or bamboo.
ideal material for covering plants is agrowłóknina , which can be purchased at any good gardening store. Shroud of agrotextile has numerous advantages - it is lightweight, partially permeable moisture, air and light, which makes them indispensable especially when okrywaniu evergreen plants. Depending on your needs, we can choose a material with a thickness equal to us. Plants I embrace loosely, from top to bottom, and fastened with string guard, and bottom edges przysypujemy ground. We can also wrap the container it and bowls. Agrowłóknina can serve us for several seasons - after removing the plant should be dried, folded and stored in a dry room. I personally
agrowłókniną cover plants, peat showers, I make piles of earth, and I use the dry leaves and twigs of spruces. So surely survive secured the biggest chill.