English: Today in the afternoon we had the pleasure of talking about our theatrical project on Polish Radio London! Radio PRL ( http://www.prl24.net/ ) is the only Polish radio in the UK and that's why its listened to by thousands of our countrymen in the UK. The signal went through the ether! Thank you to everyone who sent us emails and joyful greetings. We also received a message from a Blues band called 'GALHAN' from our family town. The presenter read it to us afterwards. For your gestures of support we want to thank and greet you!
Here's a sample of our radio interview (in Polish):
Polish: mieslimy pleasure this afternoon talk about our art project on the Polish Radio London. Radio http://www.prl24.net/index.php PRL is the only Polish speaking radio in the UK and just listened to by thousands of his countrymen in the UK. The signal went out into the ether! Thank you to everyone who sent me many emails and so joyful greetings ... (We also got a message from a group of blues GALHAN of our homeland jednak pani redaktor przeczytala je nam dopiero po zejsciu z anteny). Za wszelkie gesty wsparcia goráco dziekujemy i pozdrawiamy!
Oto próbka z naszego radiowego wywiadu (po polsku)
English: What is human life? A sad drive from cradle to coffin or a journey of exciting moments and alleyways? The hero of our story (Alex) will have to deal with unpredictable situations posed by life, society and wild instincts. Passing through successive stages of domestication and the earthly system of life he gets a chance to experience alternate realities where he meets other beings that show him new ways of coping with problems (or challenges?) posed by earthly existence.
There are three parts to the play:
1. Growing up and the process of domestication.
2. The escape to an alternate reality where Alex learns invaluable lessons.
3. Back home with new ways for the system.
The play, entitled "Alex in Wonderland", provides new ways of coping with a life that seems to be unchangable and boring, programmed by the higher authorities of reality. In the world of imagination and adventure, does there live a young mind that can help you keep your spontaneity and creative potential? The play challenges the established order of life and provokes a revolution in your way of thinking about what is normal and healthy. It ignites wild passions and helps you discover life over again. It uses few resources but highly spiritual symbolism.
Some of the characters that you will meet:
The adolescent everyman, the mother, teacher, priest, boss, careerist, thief, wise man, lover, the beloved, the king, fear, joy, anger, peace, the future, past, death - and life.
Duration: 1hr20
Polish: What is human life? Sad drive from the cradle to the coffin if travel lanes exciting moments? The hero of our history (Alex) will need every man to face the unpredictable situations that life puts before us, society and our wild instykty. Passing through successive stages of system life udomawiania earthly Alex gets a chance to alternate reality in which he will meet the beings from other worlds present new ways of dealing deal with problems (challenges, however, can?) posed by the earthly existence ...
Arts consists of three parts: first Growing up and the process udomawiania second Escape to an alternate reality where Alex works out the priceless lessons. third Back home with new ways for the system.
Arts titled "Alex in Wonderland" puts the viewer to new ways of coping with a seemingly boring and programmed by the higher authorities of reality. Is the world of imagination and adventure, there lived a young soul can help keep your spontaneous and creative potential? Art is challenging the established order of life. Provoke a revolution in the way of thinking about what is normal and healthy. Ignites a wild passion of self discovery and life over again while using a minimum of resources with a highly spiritual symbolism.
Characters what we see: adolescent everyman, mother, teacher, minister, boss, careerist, the thief, wise man, lover, lover, king, medicine, joy, anger, peace, future, past, death, life ...
Angielski: The KYOSAKU project is an experimental group Article. It is Formed by the collision of unbridled creativity with divine inspiration for the delight of the concrete jungle: Londinium. It is a noble group of friends of mostly Eastern European origin with a mixture of Angielski and Lebanese ancestors (though we all have divine blood That goes back to the first stardust).
KYOSAKU project is an experimental art group was formed by collision in August unbridled creativity of the divine inspiration to the delight of the urban jungle-Londinium. Group creates a virtuous circle of friends in the majority of Eastern European origin with an admixture of English and Lebanese ancestors (all of the divine origins of dust reaching the first Star ...).
Angielski: Here's what the wisdom of a Zen book has to say about this magic word:
KYOSAKU-awakening of the stick, used by the Zen master. Administered During zazen Between the neck and shoulder (trapezius muscles), acupuncture meridians WHERE mana intersect and tension accumulates Often, its effect is stimulating and calming Both.
Polish: Here is what the book says a wise Zen about this magic word:
KYOSAKU wake-stick, used by Zen master. Administered during zazen from neck and shoulder (trapezius muscle), where numerous cross acupuncture meridians, and often builds up tension, and its effect is both stimulating and calming.
Angielski: Since none of us has the skills to strike Appropriate Apprentices in the Appropriate acupunctural places, with the accept Humility That will we strike into the head with our theatrical Provocation. Here the number of meridians increases our chances to activate the flow of thought and energy in the new direction.
Polish: As, with none of us have never acquired the necessary skills for hitting students arcane arts as relevant akupunkturowo place with great humility assumed that we will hit our theatrical provocations directly in the head, where the number of meridians increases our chances of activating the flow of thought and energy in a new direction ...
Banging on minds will be: Banging the heads will be: