Interview in Polish Radio London
English: Today in the afternoon we had the pleasure of talking about our theatrical project on Polish Radio London! Radio PRL ( ) is the only Polish radio in the UK and that's why its listened to by thousands of our countrymen in the UK. The signal went through the ether! Thank you to everyone who sent us emails and joyful greetings. We also received a message from a Blues band called 'GALHAN' from our family town. The presenter read it to us afterwards. For your gestures of support we want to thank and greet you!
Here's a sample of our radio interview (in Polish):
Polish: mieslimy pleasure this afternoon talk about our art project on the Polish Radio London. Radio PRL is the only Polish speaking radio in the UK and just listened to by thousands of his countrymen in the UK. The signal went out into the ether! Thank you to everyone who sent me many emails and so joyful greetings ... (We also got a message from a group of blues GALHAN of our homeland jednak pani redaktor przeczytala je nam dopiero po zejsciu z anteny). Za wszelkie gesty wsparcia goráco dziekujemy i pozdrawiamy!
Oto próbka z naszego radiowego wywiadu (po polsku)
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