lunar calendar - September 3
first Raking fallen leaves. If you are not infected by diseases, ściółkujemy them under bushes. We do also order fruit trees, remove bleeds and broken fruit. On the composter shredded part lying in and slightly higher plants. Clean the beds of the harvested vegetables.
this coming weekend we remove the weeds. They can also dig, if not yet formed the seeds. Wapnujemy soil under the proposed planting of trees and shrubs.
1927-1929 is a good time to plant strawberries. They must be watered often to be seedling ukorzeniły before winter. Kicks and store sugar. We prepare the soil under the spring seedlings.
last day of the month on the patch of onions planted spring onions.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Calories In Takeaway Chow Mein
Over 9,000 Life Points
Yes, it is already the second part of the double Erredupizera works, which have been waiting for all summer - Over 9,000 Life Points . This time all the pieces were created in a sick mind Krzycha, though some are more or less inspired by various characters and events recent months. Thanks to our great fans Ze'ro the cover design of course ^ ^ The texts in the "text".
first Sgnl> 9000 (0:35) - a brief introduction to the album, it is true zerżnięte from Isis, but they had no Vegeta. Love the Aaron Turner and Nappie.
second Babian: Epilogue (4:45) - as in 'U' start from melancholy. Despite the more aggressive music, the song tells of a huge hole left in our lives after the end of math class with Mr. Babiańskim. Ends with a long series of our songs on this colorful character. Enjoy as we all full of longing.
third Banzai! (4:44) - previously known single promoting the album, this time with better quality. Cheerful song about a Japanese tastes just as happy. For the first time in team history also appears in the composition of female backup singers Aru & Ze'ro, making the song even more epic. Great Hicior will appeal to all fetishes and sick fanowi epickości.
4th Driving Licence (not pass) (4:22) - half Erredupizera is already over the whole course and exam (passed, of course), so you can not było nie opisać tego traumatycznego przeżycia. Tekst może działać jako demotywator dla tych, którzy jeszcze nie zdali. Za to muzyka - prawie jak Slayer! Spodoba się każdemu kto poznał, czym jest nauka jazdy.
5. Nie Dziel Przez Ze'ro (3:26) - krótki, aż treściwy kawałek, którego całe przesłanie zawarte jest w tytule. Włącznie z głupim żartem słownym. Spodoba się wszystkim dzielącym przez zero.
6. Coral 2: Wielka Dolewa (4:55) - po ponad dwóch latach legendarny hit Erredupizera doczekał się kontynuacji! Trzeba było postaci na miarę bohatera pierwszej części, order for that to happen. Musically, it is much more affordable than the original, so is another surefire hit on this album. Appeal to all who have requested this song, and all the fans of the first part (read: me).
7th Zul seaman Green (5:04) - dirty sounding song inspired by the cult, low budget film, Abelard Giza "Wożonko", namely the legendary performance as the title character played by the greatest song acting talent Trójmiata, Mr. Drew. Appeal to all fans of the movie on fejsie.
8th Poem about Facebook (5:27) - and the interface is apropos. Erredupizer could not describe the global revolution of social life. Cheerful piece describes the history of the form is dependent on this unusual site, obsessive desire to gain more levels in Farmvillu. Appeal to all sitting on Facebook, or even all, because if someone does not mean that the interface is not there and it is a bot.
9th Vademecum Butcher (1:39) - very loose cover Hicior Stachurski. Whore. Appeal to all of this outstanding artist.
10th Over 9,000 Life Points (11:29) - the title tune, of course, referring to the biggest progressive tradition Erredupizera containing change of pace and level of hardkorowości. Start borrowed from Led Zeppelin, but never mind. This outstanding track ends with the legendary Trilogy of Life, describing how the nerd known for its first part, looking for a life. Any similarity to real events is partly intentional. Appeal to all who liked the song Erredupizera long. I believe that these exist.
11th Absolutely brilliant Song (3:32) - something more cheerful to odetchnienia after the previous song. Originally recorded as an instrumental, then there napchaliśmy all possible memes of jutube. Appeal to all those who break off upierdolonego hardkore at eighteen.
12th Pruszcz Gdanski - Twilight Zone (8:19) - an amazing end plates, very much inspired by the work of Neurosis. Piece promised in January, on a cold evening, just on the streets Pruszcz. The text describes the terrifying dimension of darkness, forgotten by the people. Only the biggest tough guys, especially given the relatively ... unbearable sound. Enjoy ... eeee ...

Yes, it is already the second part of the double Erredupizera works, which have been waiting for all summer - Over 9,000 Life Points . This time all the pieces were created in a sick mind Krzycha, though some are more or less inspired by various characters and events recent months. Thanks to our great fans Ze'ro the cover design of course ^ ^ The texts in the "text".
first Sgnl> 9000 (0:35) - a brief introduction to the album, it is true zerżnięte from Isis, but they had no Vegeta. Love the Aaron Turner and Nappie.
second Babian: Epilogue (4:45) - as in 'U' start from melancholy. Despite the more aggressive music, the song tells of a huge hole left in our lives after the end of math class with Mr. Babiańskim. Ends with a long series of our songs on this colorful character. Enjoy as we all full of longing.
third Banzai! (4:44) - previously known single promoting the album, this time with better quality. Cheerful song about a Japanese tastes just as happy. For the first time in team history also appears in the composition of female backup singers Aru & Ze'ro, making the song even more epic. Great Hicior will appeal to all fetishes and sick fanowi epickości.
4th Driving Licence (not pass) (4:22) - half Erredupizera is already over the whole course and exam (passed, of course), so you can not było nie opisać tego traumatycznego przeżycia. Tekst może działać jako demotywator dla tych, którzy jeszcze nie zdali. Za to muzyka - prawie jak Slayer! Spodoba się każdemu kto poznał, czym jest nauka jazdy.
5. Nie Dziel Przez Ze'ro (3:26) - krótki, aż treściwy kawałek, którego całe przesłanie zawarte jest w tytule. Włącznie z głupim żartem słownym. Spodoba się wszystkim dzielącym przez zero.
6. Coral 2: Wielka Dolewa (4:55) - po ponad dwóch latach legendarny hit Erredupizera doczekał się kontynuacji! Trzeba było postaci na miarę bohatera pierwszej części, order for that to happen. Musically, it is much more affordable than the original, so is another surefire hit on this album. Appeal to all who have requested this song, and all the fans of the first part (read: me).
7th Zul seaman Green (5:04) - dirty sounding song inspired by the cult, low budget film, Abelard Giza "Wożonko", namely the legendary performance as the title character played by the greatest song acting talent Trójmiata, Mr. Drew. Appeal to all fans of the movie on fejsie.
8th Poem about Facebook (5:27) - and the interface is apropos. Erredupizer could not describe the global revolution of social life. Cheerful piece describes the history of the form is dependent on this unusual site, obsessive desire to gain more levels in Farmvillu. Appeal to all sitting on Facebook, or even all, because if someone does not mean that the interface is not there and it is a bot.
9th Vademecum Butcher (1:39) - very loose cover Hicior Stachurski. Whore. Appeal to all of this outstanding artist.
10th Over 9,000 Life Points (11:29) - the title tune, of course, referring to the biggest progressive tradition Erredupizera containing change of pace and level of hardkorowości. Start borrowed from Led Zeppelin, but never mind. This outstanding track ends with the legendary Trilogy of Life, describing how the nerd known for its first part, looking for a life. Any similarity to real events is partly intentional. Appeal to all who liked the song Erredupizera long. I believe that these exist.
11th Absolutely brilliant Song (3:32) - something more cheerful to odetchnienia after the previous song. Originally recorded as an instrumental, then there napchaliśmy all possible memes of jutube. Appeal to all those who break off upierdolonego hardkore at eighteen.
12th Pruszcz Gdanski - Twilight Zone (8:19) - an amazing end plates, very much inspired by the work of Neurosis. Piece promised in January, on a cold evening, just on the streets Pruszcz. The text describes the terrifying dimension of darkness, forgotten by the people. Only the biggest tough guys, especially given the relatively ... unbearable sound. Enjoy ... eeee ...
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Do You Know What Altace 2.5mg Will Do For?
The longest holiday, rich in concerts, singles, Erredupizer back! New CD! Not enough? Two new records. This time is divided so that the ad creates an album, and second Krzych. The differences you will hear soon. So far, the first disc, straight from the laptop Ada. Short title and Ü minimalist cover hiding a very diverse and very powerful dose of corruption.
- Without Autonomika (5:52) - First, the sentimental song of the album. We remember it and those who have probably never meet, and shame. Brick hit a friend school.
- Turasy (7:54) - As the large plates, the second track must be powerful, so this metal work is precisely on this point. Powerful story of a brave Turasach.
- Deutsche Abitur (4:54) - The oldest part of the album, written back in May. It describes the experiences the student who wanted to be cool and decided on a high school diploma with a beautiful and poetic language of our western neighbors.
- Cucumber Season (5:56) - When Erredupizer not playing in this country nothing happens. Totally nothing. This is precisely what is this song.
- Patologica (4:53) - This is where the album should be gentle pieces that will prepare the listener's ears to the final impact. This piece is a nice mix of several species. If you do not like it, then a beating.
- Morning Hiphop (2:25) - Song should be about real emotions. For example, such that people feel about six in the morning hear hip-hop. Human response, with good music taste is the real Rock & Roll straight from the 50s Elvis live forever ..
- Hell late (6:02) - Some people have a holiday, and the others have to hurry. The latter hate the former. They hate everyone. I HATE YOU!
- Legend Magazine Meat (8:06) - The horror! Scandal! All TV scare that in Warsaw sell stale kebabs. The only reliable source of news about what is really hidden in the depths of the Central Railway Station is this song.
- Destroy the wicked (5:33) - The history of this song demonstrates the power Erredupizera. A day after recording a song about the Battle of the Cross, take the Cross. But thanks to this powerful song, the case will remember the great crowds of the faithful. For the one who will recognize the riff, cover with autographs Erredupizera.
- Wypaczanka (6:20) - After two huge pieces of warped end. One of the favorite pieces Krzycha (rachciachciach) on CD-Ada, who in his glory Krzychowi allowed to play drum solo.
A further 12 pieces lies in a black bag in the basement Krzycha and waiting for daylight to see.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Brad και ο James Hiv
Calendar Moon - September 2
Time to blow up the seedlings into the ground biennial herbs, herbs and perennials, such as lovage and lemon balm, multiply by division. It's a good time to sow spinach, lamb's lettuce and a collection of late autumn.
the middle of the month is divided and transplanted to a new location rhubarb and ornamental grasses. It is also a good time to bridle Brussels sprouts. On a dry day collect seeds kwiatów.Od 18 to September 21 digs tubers glaucoma, rooting of young plants annuals tops of trees and ornamental shrubs and fruit. Sown together in the summer Ostróżki seeds, marigolds and chabra.
still lined bulbs of tulips, narcissus, daffodils, hyacinths and crown imperial.
Time to blow up the seedlings into the ground biennial herbs, herbs and perennials, such as lovage and lemon balm, multiply by division. It's a good time to sow spinach, lamb's lettuce and a collection of late autumn.
the middle of the month is divided and transplanted to a new location rhubarb and ornamental grasses. It is also a good time to bridle Brussels sprouts. On a dry day collect seeds kwiatów.Od 18 to September 21 digs tubers glaucoma, rooting of young plants annuals tops of trees and ornamental shrubs and fruit. Sown together in the summer Ostróżki seeds, marigolds and chabra.
still lined bulbs of tulips, narcissus, daffodils, hyacinths and crown imperial.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Which Isabella Posed With Milena Velba
lunar calendar - September
Kicks and transplanted lilies, when grown in the same place for several years. Time for a collection of potatoes, onions, beets, carrots and parsley.
3-4 is the best time for planting heathers, will flourish in the garden around the plant also jesień.Możemy mallow, daisies and pansies. They bloom in spring. The next week
dobrze addressed in the preparation of the soil under the seedling berry plants, sowing winter crops sowing biennial and annual plants. In dry, sunny day We collect seeds from annual plants. Kosimy grass and prepare the lawn for the winter. September 9-11 is a good day to prepare the cuttings from shoots of roses that have not bloomed. Gladioli bulbs dug and begonias. Planted into the soil and dratew rudbekie Caucasian.
Kicks and transplanted lilies, when grown in the same place for several years. Time for a collection of potatoes, onions, beets, carrots and parsley.
3-4 is the best time for planting heathers, will flourish in the garden around the plant also jesień.Możemy mallow, daisies and pansies. They bloom in spring. The next week
dobrze addressed in the preparation of the soil under the seedling berry plants, sowing winter crops sowing biennial and annual plants. In dry, sunny day We collect seeds from annual plants. Kosimy grass and prepare the lawn for the winter. September 9-11 is a good day to prepare the cuttings from shoots of roses that have not bloomed. Gladioli bulbs dug and begonias. Planted into the soil and dratew rudbekie Caucasian.
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