Yes, it is already the second part of the double Erredupizera works, which have been waiting for all summer - Over 9,000 Life Points . This time all the pieces were created in a sick mind Krzycha, though some are more or less inspired by various characters and events recent months. Thanks to our great fans Ze'ro the cover design of course ^ ^ The texts in the "text".
first Sgnl> 9000 (0:35) - a brief introduction to the album, it is true zerżnięte from Isis, but they had no Vegeta. Love the Aaron Turner and Nappie.
second Babian: Epilogue (4:45) - as in 'U' start from melancholy. Despite the more aggressive music, the song tells of a huge hole left in our lives after the end of math class with Mr. Babiańskim. Ends with a long series of our songs on this colorful character. Enjoy as we all full of longing.
third Banzai! (4:44) - previously known single promoting the album, this time with better quality. Cheerful song about a Japanese tastes just as happy. For the first time in team history also appears in the composition of female backup singers Aru & Ze'ro, making the song even more epic. Great Hicior will appeal to all fetishes and sick fanowi epickości.
4th Driving Licence (not pass) (4:22) - half Erredupizera is already over the whole course and exam (passed, of course), so you can not było nie opisać tego traumatycznego przeżycia. Tekst może działać jako demotywator dla tych, którzy jeszcze nie zdali. Za to muzyka - prawie jak Slayer! Spodoba się każdemu kto poznał, czym jest nauka jazdy.
5. Nie Dziel Przez Ze'ro (3:26) - krótki, aż treściwy kawałek, którego całe przesłanie zawarte jest w tytule. Włącznie z głupim żartem słownym. Spodoba się wszystkim dzielącym przez zero.
6. Coral 2: Wielka Dolewa (4:55) - po ponad dwóch latach legendarny hit Erredupizera doczekał się kontynuacji! Trzeba było postaci na miarę bohatera pierwszej części, order for that to happen. Musically, it is much more affordable than the original, so is another surefire hit on this album. Appeal to all who have requested this song, and all the fans of the first part (read: me).
7th Zul seaman Green (5:04) - dirty sounding song inspired by the cult, low budget film, Abelard Giza "Wożonko", namely the legendary performance as the title character played by the greatest song acting talent Trójmiata, Mr. Drew. Appeal to all fans of the movie on fejsie.
8th Poem about Facebook (5:27) - and the interface is apropos. Erredupizer could not describe the global revolution of social life. Cheerful piece describes the history of the form is dependent on this unusual site, obsessive desire to gain more levels in Farmvillu. Appeal to all sitting on Facebook, or even all, because if someone does not mean that the interface is not there and it is a bot.
9th Vademecum Butcher (1:39) - very loose cover Hicior Stachurski. Whore. Appeal to all of this outstanding artist.
10th Over 9,000 Life Points (11:29) - the title tune, of course, referring to the biggest progressive tradition Erredupizera containing change of pace and level of hardkorowości. Start borrowed from Led Zeppelin, but never mind. This outstanding track ends with the legendary Trilogy of Life, describing how the nerd known for its first part, looking for a life. Any similarity to real events is partly intentional. Appeal to all who liked the song Erredupizera long. I believe that these exist.
11th Absolutely brilliant Song (3:32) - something more cheerful to odetchnienia after the previous song. Originally recorded as an instrumental, then there napchaliśmy all possible memes of jutube. Appeal to all those who break off upierdolonego hardkore at eighteen.
12th Pruszcz Gdanski - Twilight Zone (8:19) - an amazing end plates, very much inspired by the work of Neurosis. Piece promised in January, on a cold evening, just on the streets Pruszcz. The text describes the terrifying dimension of darkness, forgotten by the people. Only the biggest tough guys, especially given the relatively ... unbearable sound. Enjoy ... eeee ...
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