This time there was no need to wait so long. Since January'll have another concert (ZŁOOOO!), we decided to make the album right now with new ideas. It might not be an outstanding, but very very polibudowa. For this wonderful Title - " ... and dick."
first Lawnmower Man (5:30) - incredibly diabolical opener. A little inspired by the film of the same title, a little old słuchowiskami Huta 99, a little bit boring lectures and Slayer. And it's all topped with a large dose of Erredupizerowego sauce to the meat.
second Welcome to Polibudzie (8:26) - was supposed to be and is polibudowo. Nostalgia stage in life Erredupizera definitely ended, so it is time for new roads, new corruption and new songs. It is also the longest piece on this in a cost-effective riffs plate.
third The Bad Neighbor (2:34) - a short piece of punk: what they think the people living in the area próbowni Erredupizera? Probably something like this.
4th Rysio Evil Slayer (3:33) - fast, heavy on themes of the recent number of the clan segment, specifically the feats of the famous Lynx, a heroic crime-fighting like Sebastian Liver.
5th Rysio propagator Evil (6:21) - and Rysio again, this time angry. Ad describes the experiences of students of Mechatronics at the terrible subject called Technology and Civilisation.
6th Yes or No? (3:21) - similar story dotycząca dr Migonia nauczającego Humanistyki dla Inżynierów na wydziale ETI. Facet równie odjechany jak ta piosnka.
7. Szatanowe LAN Party (3:55) - powykrzywiane echa którejś już imprezy urodzinowej u Szymsona (który, jak pamiętamy, występował już gościnnie na płycie Erredupizera!). Są wrzuty na Klocka i Bućko włączający bombę atomową.
8. Przydupas (3:29) - smutna historia Pana Andrzeja, człowieka zredukowanego do roli podstawki pod nogi dla profesora fizyki. Piosenkę dedykujemy wszystkim sługusom i maciejom. A Wąski do budy.
9. Sesja (6:28) - SESJAAAAAA!!! AAAAAA! AAAA! She is here, it kills ...
10th ... and fuck (4:18) - happy end of the disc. Never mind that almost did not hear the text, in the end rewards are Damage'a edgings from the beginning.
Happy listening.