Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Cancerous Polyps In Bladder

Kabbalah: Some useful ideas! Part I Introduction to Ethics

Kabbalistic ** Music *** *
Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), author of Sulam-u, commentary on the Zohar, he expressed his spiritual feelings through the words of his numerous published writings. Among them, wrote songs and composed melodies based on these spiritual feelings. The music itself is based on the manner in which man feels in the spiritual world. What is so special about music? Is it that everyone can understand it, even if it has not reached the spiritual level of the composer. BaalHaSulama listening to music, as passed by his son, Rabbi Baruch Ashlag, we have the opportunity to experience the feelings of those outstanding Kabbalists.

Kabbalists reach two opposite phases of the spiritual: pain as a result of separation from the Creator and delight as a result closer to him. A feeling of remoteness from the Creator creates a sad music, expressed through prayer crying about approximation. A feeling of closeness to the Creator creates happy music, expressed through prayer of thanksgiving. Therefore, we can hear and feel the two different moods in music: the longing and desire for reunification, if it is rejected and the love and happiness when she finds a unity. Two sentiments express the Kabbalist unification with the Creator. Music washed listener in a great light. We do not need to know anything about it before hearing it, because it is without words. However, its effect in our hearts is direct and fast. Listening to it again and now it is a unique experience.
notes are composed in accordance with the kabbalistic. The notes are selected according to the way in which the human soul is built. The listener feels like they penetrate deep into the soul without hindrance. This is due to a direct connection between our souls and roots tunes.
In 1996, 1998 and 2000, three CDs of music Baal HaSulam-a and Rabash were recorded and published. Melodies are presented as Rabbi Michael Laitman heard them from his Rabbi Baruch Ashlag-a, the eldest son, the successor to the road-a HaSulam Baal.

*** Some basic concepts of Kabbalah ***
Adam Kadmon (Heb. prehistoric man) - the first emanation of God's revealing form. Being built of light and radiating light. By> Lurianic Kabbalah creature, which accounted for particularly dramatic role of the mediator between God and the empty space created by God to the world, the intermediary between the desert of divine absence, and the divine order of creation. At the time of the creation of tension between essence> En sofas, and the space created by the Act> cimcum resulted in intra-cosmic catastrophe AK breaking dishes. Space man becomes a place for drama, he experiences it himself. And it also creates a light repair the world. A man in his present form, is a distant echo of that luminous beings. Inherits the tragedy of her nature, but also resting on her mission. Imperfect, but with the greatest gift of all, the gift of nature beyond repair and the nature of the world, becomes a collaborator in the work of God repair the world. [...]
ANGELS (Greek angelos, Hebrew Malach - messengers) - messengers of God or human affairs spokesmen, zanoszący prayer before his face. theophany making for their help, it is not burdened with tremendum direct contact with the Absolute - is not a categorical imperative, but a kind of divine proposals. A. become a sign of the daily, charitable presence of God in human life. In the Bible, appear most often in human form. In point. > he (j) chalotów a. they are the guardians of transitions between successive heavens, which mystic has in his way to God to overcome. The relevant formulas taken from the guards of angels, they do almost angelic mystic essence. > Enoch example of his way to heaven, becoming one of the highest angels -> Metatron. According to> Kabbalah a. reside in the hierarchy of the second world Beria - creation (see the four worlds.) Play a very specialized roles in the natural world such as Ruchiel - angel wind , Szalgiel - snow angel, or Matariel - angel rain . According to the tradition of Jew. there are 70 angels guardians of individual nations. > Michael is an advocate and patron of Israel.

Bina (Hebrew intelligence) - Third > sefira ; has a female nature, under the patronage of the left column of the female tree sefirotycznego Life. The last of three Sephirot hidden, which are the domain of absolute divinity, below it, starting seven Sephirot construction. B. The multiplicity of an archetype; womb of creation. Her number is 50 - the numeric value of the word kol - all, a whole world of . Her letter and he . In the process of creation, by the movement in three directions, the point becomes the seed in her palace, constituting a three-dimensional space. Becomes the seed sprouts. It involves a secret kinship with the lowest sephiroth Malchut . Compounds of these two Sephirot reveal the structure of the role of the feminine world. B is called a top-down fire when Malchut - fire ascending. In the Holy tetragramatonie YHWH ( yud, he, waw, he ) is identical to the first he, when he the second, it means Sephirot Malchut. Represents the highest point sefirotycznej structure, which means prayer and contemplation, with its highest neszema soul, man can reach.
Chesed (Hebrew for love) - Fourth > sephiroth . Second in the right column sefirotycznego male Tree of Life. principle of participation of entities in the unity, power of attracting; spaceship eros. It is an expression of divine love and grace. Name of God associated with it is El . With the pin against her sephiroth> din , accompany the field of tension between multiplicity and unity of setting a space for everything you may need. Perhaps, because
say: find a balance in the field of cosmic polarity. This powerful force of attraction and convergence, without balancing the principle of din, would return to the unity of the world, which for us, seeing everything from the perspective of creation, would be an absolute silence and nothingness. Here, in the created world, the unity must in fact remain the longing, the memory of what was in the beginning, and perhaps in
complete form will be fulfilled at the end. Although there is so strongly associated with sustainability agendas> din i> chesed, many Kabbalists elementariness emphasizes the principle of supremacy and chesed. Joseph Gikatilla sees her start as early as> Keter, and also an important manifestation of> Yesod.

Hochma (Hebrew wisdom) - the second sephiroth . It embraces the principle of existence, under the patronage of the unity of the world. Her letter is yud, the smallest letter of the alphabet that embody the geometric point. Its number 10, number corresponding to that point - a synonym for all . Along with> Bina, created the basic design of poles: male - female. C. Wisdom - a synonym for the male element space, is always linked with Bina - intelligence - the essence of femininity . Associated the name of God Jach ( JH - The first two letter of the tetragrammaton YHWH), points to the inseparability of this compound (H - is a sephiroth letter bina). Wherever you are dwójnia, the first step towards the unity of multiplicity, has always charged a shadow threat duality of good and evil, will be mitigated by a huge, sacred authority of the pole pair.
CIMCUM (Hebrew contraction, withdrawal ) - a term used in Kabbalah to denote the act preceding the creation of the world, involving the withdrawal of God from himself, from his fullness and perfection, to make "place" for the world. Self-limiting image of God, bears the victim for his creation, builds the basis of theology of partnership between God and man. Prepares human participation in the work of repairing the world (see tikkun). The concept cimcum a key role in> Lurianic Kabbalah, especially in the version written by Joseph ibn Tabula . Cimcum is also restricted in the sense of imposition of constraints principles and rights at the world of limitless opportunities. It activates the order din - tough laws (see sefira), reducing the richness of pure potentiality to act a specific implementation. C. Act necessary for the existence of the world, but remains negativity. Exile is a God, and this aspect will be repeated in a variety of creative plans, will result in expulsion > Shechina , scattering the chosen people, the emergence of the world's suffering and pain.

FOUR WORLDS - the revelation of the division hierarchy, used by some Kabbalists:

first Olam ha-acilut (Hebrew world of emanation ) - the closest the world of God's names, corresponding to the level sephiroth> Keter. second Olam ha-berija (Hebrew, creating the world ) - the world of angels, corresponding sefirom> Hochma i> bina . third Olam ha-Yetzirah (Hebrew world formation) - the world of archetypes of the visible world, corresponding to the six> sefirom construction. 4th Olam ha-asija (Hebrew world of ) - physical world , Assigned sefirze Malchut . In some versions of the doctrine of the four worlds, each made up of the full number of ten own Sephirot. This arrangement draws attention to the specific characteristics of the respective Sephirot sustain in the relevant worlds such as Keter is the highest sephiroth themselves most in the highest world acilut , sephiroth Malchut asija lowest in the world. Some Kabbalists distinguished five worlds. In sabataizmie and frankizmie fundamental role played by the division into two worlds - the upper and lower.

Daat (Hebrew for knowledge ) - Eleventh> sephiroth . This represents the most elusive aspect, the Sephirot crown - Keter , it goes toward the creation of the word. expresses the balance between > Hochma a> Bina. It means understanding the meaning of gnosis , initiation. It reflects the ability of the system to a transgression, the crossing of the established limits (eleventh - and yet belonging to ten).

devekut (Hebrew adhesion ) - state of intimacy with God soul. The main purpose of prayer, blessing and excused any actions mist., Is the soul to return divinity, to the place where he comes from, which is constantly waiting for her. According to the state d. kabbalists are several ways, including became aware of the presence of God and the awareness of His constant love, art submission to the will of God, or to harmonize and agree on the human will to the divine. Any action leading to this state is also in the nature of cosmic celebration of unity. Restores the connection between sefirami. Causes of connection with God. Renews and purifies the relationship between God and his name. To return from exile of each being dedicated to him the Promised Land.
Cdn ...


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