metaethics --- examination of normative ethics in terms of seeking truth in it.
What is the subject of ethics?
commonly use interchangeably the words "ethical" and "moral."
Moral --- is contrasted with "materialnemu" (ie non-pecuniary damage and pecuniary damage.) In the same ethics and there is a difference between ethics and morality.
Ethics --- theory concerning moral good and evil, a system of norms. That's what it should be. The science of morality.
--- Morality type of social awareness, which is used for elections. What is (reality).
first names etymology:
a) Ethics --- ethos (gr.) = custom, the observance.
b) Ethics --- etikos (gr.) = a featured character trait, upright character.
c) moralis --- (Latin) = the equivalent of "ethos", however, contemporary ethics is distinguished from morality. Ethics is the science of morality.
second Types of Ethics:
a) == A descriptive objective description without evaluation;
b) Normative == entanglement in a value system;
c) individualistic ;
d) Social .
Ad a) The ethics of narrative are such :
- moral psychology (Festinger ) - there is a correlation between what is accepted and the desire for a sense of clarity (if we have a cognitive dissonance, then make a reduction, distorts the image, we can not accept that one is a little good, a little angry, and bends in a convenient assessment of our page.)
- sociology of morality ( Max Weber) - deals with the relation between the values \u200b\u200bof individuals and their living conditions, etc.
Ethics properly so- sense, normative ethics. Language of ethics is different from the language of science, because the problem is to find the truth in ethics (task metaetyki). Sentence: "You should not lie" = korelatu it is not in reality. The so-called. In sentences - are subjective and not objective. Ethics refers to the demands of the values \u200b\u200band ideals.
Ad b) to normative ethics are :
- axiology;
- felicytologia (science of happiness);
- Global Ethics (universal = regarding relations between the whole of humanity)
- perfekcjonistyka (how to achieve perfection?).
Axiology === Learning about values, moral axiology concerns the ontological status of values \u200b\u200b(or exist outside the mind?).
These values \u200b\u200bcan be divided into two types : material (at the bottom of the pyramid of human needs) spiritual and cultural = (which should always be humans take precedence over the former. material values \u200b\u200bare lower because they are conflict. There is no perfect distribution of material goods, because their number has always been, is and will be finished and the human need to constantly grow with the increase of Civilizations. spiritual values, in turn, are not of conflict (at least theoretically), because they introduce a state of solidarity, the communion of feelings in public. Unfortunately, in practice, both the former and the latter, often lead to wars, disasters, lack of understanding . But to enjoy the spiritual values \u200b\u200byou already have tangible assets (eg, the appropriate cultural training).
Ad c) Is morality is an individual matter or a matter of mutual social life? Stoic Ethics and epikurejska were typically individualistic . Social ethics is to reduce the friction and conflicts between people.
third three different views on ethics:
(On the pic. Maria Ossowska )
Ossowska --- --- a) trend wisdom = puts psychotherapy before the ethics task: How to live, not too much to suffer, how to come to terms with fate, etc. b) trend perfectionistic = function of ethics is to show the ideal of life and formulate a plan to achieve this ideal. c) social trend = poses the question: How to save humanity against threats? (The emphasis is not on the individual, only to humanity).
(On the pic. Tadeusz Kotarbinski )
Kotarbinski --- --- a) How to live to achieve happiness? b) How to live to work effectively acting? c) How to live to live a life worthy of man? Kotarbinski noted that for the sake of ethics, with specific, if not the most important is the third question!
(On the pic. Anatol Rapoport )
Rapoport --- --- a) Ethics compensatory = restore disturbed the order of things in relationships, compensation grievances by way of "an eye for an eye." b) Ethics resignation = can not change the world, so you'll need to change themselves and reduce their demands. c) Ethics activity = how to change the world, to adapt it to us, changing relationships in the social scale.
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