Saturday, February 12, 2011

Does A Show Mean I'm Any Closer To Labour?

drawing or forcing spring bulbs

Winter, however, does not give up again and the wind blew gently posypało light frost and even snow caught. But this is nothing we can do it yourself your own spring:)) by forcing flower bulbs.
For this purpose, we can use such tulips, hyacinths, szafirki, narcissi, crocuses. They can be plants on their own land, previously pitted the autumn, or commercially available, a properly crafted roots. Containers of bulbs used for the forcing is set in a well lit place at a temperature of 1913-1916 ° C and plenty of watering. For the appearance of buds flower gradually raised the temperature to about 20 ° C, then it can be a bit lower (to about 15 ° C). Crocuses require a constant temperature of about 8 ° C and higher often have only a letter. Hyacinths, crocus and szafirki bloom after about 2 weeks, and the other listed species - after 3-4.
What to do when the bulbs purchased in the eye, b adz grown in the same house przekwitną?
When the plant stops blooming already, and most of the leaf is withered, systematically reduce the amount of water and fertilizer .

Onion - before we will remove it - it must go retired. The scales must be dry, and roots should be easily distracted. So removed onions purify the ground and put in a dry and warm place until September when we decide where to plant them. We can run them again in a pot or planted in the garden.


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