Sunday, March 6, 2011

Mysore Mallige Prithwi

first day of a calendar spring falls on 21 March. Season so get to work and tidying gardens and plots of land after the winter. We should also keep track of weather forecasts, as often encountered contrary opinion, it's not cold winter and early spring is the (dangerous spring frost) can cause severe damage to our crops.

can slowly begin to organize plots after winter. Wygrabiamy other fallen last year's list, and we see the condition of fruit plants, if there is frost damage and signs of infection diseases.

prepare frames for the first sowing, remove the old plants and weeds. On warm sunny days we ventilate frames. To protect them from night frosts and too much expose to the sun during the day it is they cover such as the reed mat.
Since early March sowing of seeds for the production of brassica vegetables such as kohlrabi, cauliflower, cabbage and broccoli. Sowing too buttery and crunchy salad that we exaggerate a bit later, directly into the ground. In the second half of March to the pots or sown skrzyneczek peppers and tomatoes.
In the second half of the month if it is sufficiently warm in cold greenhouses, tunnels and inspektach sown radish . We can also plant seedlings for early crop of lettuce, kohlrabi, cauliflower and cabbage early. Also, if you are already warm, it is the end of March we have sown into the ground vegetable seeds resistant to low temperatures, such as beans, peas, early carrot, fennel and onion.
Since early March, unless it got already warm enough, remove the winter cover that prevents frost and winds of ornamental plants. Remember to remove the coverings on cloudy days. This allows the plants do not risk too much temperature fluctuation between słonecznymi dniami i jeszcze chłodnymi o tej porze roku nocami.

W ogrodzie ozdobnym zaczynamy usuwać resztki bylin pozostałe po zeszłym roku. Wszystkie uschnięte łęty obcinamy tuż przy ziemi i jeśli nie wykazują oznak chorób przenosimy na kompostownik.

Przycinamy krzewy kwitnące późną wiosną i latem.  Usuwamy osłony zimowe i przystępujemy do cięcia krzewów róż - róże krzaczaste i pnące prześwietlamy usuwając najstarsze pędy, wszystkim różom wycinamy pędy słabe, stare i martwe. Krzewy róż wielkokwiatowych można ciąć na dwa sposoby. Aby provide a large part of the flower stems will cut heavily into several spots - when the plants bloom a bit later. However, if we are early flowering, shortened stems only slightly. In this way we will be able to enjoy the flowers much earlier, but their sizes will be smaller compared with those that develop in heavily pruned shoots. Also

budleje require hard pruning, for which we give back the beautiful flowers in the garden wabiącymi butterflies and bees. Shorten them tight, leaving only the sections of stems of length approximately 30cm.


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