Sunday, March 27, 2011

How To Create A High Hat On Sibelius

Psychopathology of Everyday Life Freud. Part III

... About Amnesia ...

I return again to the forgetting of names, which neither casuistry, nor the motives are not yet fully have processed. Since this is the kind of mistakes can sometimes observe myself, so I will not have trouble with examples. Light migraines, which still hurt, promise to be typically for several hours before the forgetting of names, and during the peak of which is not, however, forces me to stop work, fall out of my memory All proper names. I like mine, the cases could give an opportunity for a fundamental objection against our analytical usiłowaniom. Is the similar observations should not be inferred that the cause of forgetfulness, especially of forgetting names, is in the general disorder of the brain and consequently save yourself the trouble of psychological explanation of these phenomena? Not at all; pomieszalibyśmy because in that case and gives a permanent mechanism to find in all cases, the terms of the variables and not necessarily required.
Instead of discussing, however, will refute the complaint for by comparison. Assume that I would be careless enough to go for a night walk in a secluded neighborhood in a big city and that, consequently robbed by my watch and wallet. Udałbym to the nearest police station and said that when I was on this street, loneliness and darkness took my watch and purse. The consequence of this would probably be that I thought would be insane, although in my words would not be anything that was not true. But the status quo in this case should be cast only in this way that the use of favorable odludności and darkness are not known criminals took me to my valuables. The same thing happens and the forgetting of names, using the fatigue, disturbances in blood circulation and metabolism of an unknown psychic force prevented the memory of our guide to proper names, the same force that makes it and where we are in full health and fitness.

When I analyze observed in the cases themselves forgetting names, then say almost on a regular basis, that is a forgotten name in connection with the subject that I care much, and can cause severe and often painful emotion. According to a comfortable and fair formula Zurich school (Bleuler , Jung, Riklin ) can be defined also in this way, the forgotten name of the complex moved with me personally. The ratio of the name of my people is unexpected, usually produced through superficial associations (ambiguity, evenly-pregnancy), it can generally be regarded as incidental. A few simple examples will explain the best of its essence.

first One patient asked me he shared some resort on the Riviera. I know this town near Genoa, I remember even the name of a German colleague, who practiced there, but of the same name by any means I can not, even though I know them so well. It remains for me nothing more than ask the patient to wait, and ask for help to the women of my family. "How can the name of this town near Genoa, where Dr. N. has a plant in which this and this lady for so long she was on treatment?" "Of course, you just have to forget that name, called Nervi." The nerves in the same things I have enough to deal with.
second Someone else tells the story of a nearby country house and ensure that, in addition to two well-known inns there is yet a third, which tied him some memories, her name just to replace me. I deny the existence of this third inns and refers to the fact that seven years in a row, I lived in the city, so I know it better than he. Irritated by the opposition finally remembered the name. The inn is called Hochwartner. Then naturally inferior, and even I have to admit that within seven summers I lived in the immediate vicinity of the inn, whose existence denied. Why here, and I forgot the name, and the thing itself? I suppose the name, which I all too clearly recalls the name of her fellow Viennese, and raised in me a professional complex.
third Another time, having to buy a ticket at the railway station in Reichenhal1, I can not recall a well known name to me the nearest big station, through which so often traveled. I need it quite seriously look at the distribution driving. It is called Rosenheim. Then I immediately know what combination of lost it by this name. An hour before I visited his sister in the place of residence, very near Reichenhall, my sister's name is Rosa and, therefore, Rosenheim. Inhibited complex family name.

4th To what extent are allowed to plunder our family-run complex is illustrated by the following examples, one day you came to my office a young man, younger brother of my patient, whom I have seen countless times and I was accustomed to call by name. When then I wanted to tell us about his visit, I forgot and in no way I could remember his name, moreover, quite everyday. Then I went out into the street, shop signs to read, and as soon as I came across this name, I knew it immediately. Analyzing this case came to the conclusion that the musical moved to my own brother, which ended in a muffled question, "Is my brother in this case behaved in a similar way, or rather the opposite?" Coincidence external connection allowed me to think about foreign currency and their own family because mother wore the same name: Amalia. I understood then the importance of names or substitute Daniel and Francis, which I admittedly arose, but have not been clarified. These are the names and Amalia of Schiller's The Robbers, which involves the concept of a Viennese humorist Daniel Spitzer.
5th Another time, I can not remember the name of the patient, who is my friend back to the teenage years. Analysis of circling long before looking for the name provided. The patient expressed concern that loses sight, it awakened a memory of a young a man who became blind as a result of gunshot. For this picture again joined another young man who was shot, and that the latter bore the same name as the first patient, and although it was not related. The name, however, found only when I realized the transfer of fearful expectation of the two juvenile on one of the people of my own family.
In our thinking, so there is, not shared our consciousness and a constant tendency to relate everything to himself, however, reveals it through such a forgetting of names. It is as if I was forced to everything I hear about people learning, compared with my own person and as if my personal complexes woke up at every mention of other people. There may be no way my personal property, but rather an indication that even in this way we understand everything else. I have some data to accept that and to other people it happens in quite a similar way with me.
finest example of this kind of told me a Mr Lederer as their own survival. During the honeymoon trip he met in Venice with a master, whom he knew only superficially, and had presented his young wife. Since, however, forgot the name, this time he helped himself indistinct humming. Faced with it, however, for the second time, which in Venice is inevitable, he took him aside and asked that it led to embarrassment, giving his name, which, unfortunately, forgotten. Answer alien testified that he was an uncommon human expert: "I believe that you do not remember my name, my name is like you: L Ederer ." You can not defend himself against a very unpleasant feeling, since it is their own encounters with a foreign name. Recently experienced this very clearly when I at the time of admissions introduced a certain Mr. Freud. (I understand, moreover, to the provision of one of my critics, that he behaves in a similar situation is vice versa).
7th Theme names may be forgotten also be more subtle and may rely on, so to speak, the "sublime" hatred for the host. A woman I. v. K. Thus writes from Budapest:
"I prepared myself this little theory. have observed, namely that people who have the ability to paint, they have no understanding of music, and vice versa. Recently, I spoke on this issue with someone and said: "My observation is always checked, except in one case." But when I wanted to remember the name of that person, I forgot them as hopeless, even though I knew that its bearer is one of my most intimate friends. When, after a few days, my ears caught accidentally name, I immediately knew that it was a question of the person to throw down my theory. Hatred, unknowingly fed him, revealed by forgetting his name, otherwise so good friend. "

8th On another bit of selfishness caused by forgetting the names of the following, quoted by S. Ferenczi, if whose analysis is particularly instructive for an explanation of alternative ideas (jak Botticelli, Boltrafio w przypadku „Signo-relli"). „Pewna pani, która trochę słyszała o psychoanalizie, nie może sobie w żaden sposób przypomnieć nazwiska psychiatry Junga. W miejsce tegoż nasuwają się następujące myśli zastępcze: K1. (nazwisko) — Wilde — Nietzsche — Hauptmann. Nie mówiąc jej prawdziwego nazwiska żądam, by przy każdym narzucającym się pomyśle kojarzyła swobodnie.
Przy Kl. myśli natychmiast o pani Kl., która jest osobą zmanierowaną, afektowaną, ale jednak na swój wiek bardzo dobrze wygląda. «Ona się not aging e! j "As a joint overarching concept for Wilde and Nietzsche-not mention mental illness. Then he says mockingly: "You, Freudians, you will be so long to find the causes of mental illness, to themselves become insane." Then: "I can not stand Wilde and Nietzsche. I do not understand them. I hear that both were homosexual, Wilde asked the young people. " (Although this sentence uttered the proper name, it is true, in Hungarian, although it can not even recall it myself.) Hauptmann associate with H albe, then J ugend ("Youth" - Halbego drama), and only now, when I directed her attention to the word Jugend, knows that looking for the name Jung. In fact, this lady, who was 39 years old lost her husband and has no prospect of re-marriage, has sufficient reason to avoid anything that resembles old-age or youth. It strikes us here, that the replacements were the thoughts of association with the common content of the sought-after name, indeed a total lack of associations of pure sound. "
9th Here is one more example of very subtly motivated forgetting names, that a person can explain herself.

"When did I exam in philosophy as a subject side, the examiner asked me the teachings of Epicurus, and further, whether I know who once again took up this study in subsequent centuries. I told him the name Peter Gassendi, which was two days ago in a coffee shop listed as a disciple of Epicurus. For complete surprise, asked where I got these messages, I answered boldly, that he had long been interested Gassendim. This resulted magna cum laude on the certificate, but also, unfortunately, after a stubborn tendency to forget names of Gassendi, I think that my guilty conscience is to blame, that I can not remember the name, despite all efforts. After all, and then I should not have to know. "

To properly assess where resentment against the reminder of this episode should know that telling the highly appreciates his Ph.D., which must suffice for the RNU many other things.
10th Dr. Ed. Hitschmann a:,. Mr. N. wants Book Company name "Gilhofer & Ranschburg." But despite thinking he was inspired Ranschburg only the name, although the company was well known to him. Returning home from a slight disappointment, therefore, finds! case to be sufficiently important to have a brother zasypiającego ask about the first part of the company name, did not mention it without difficulty. Then immediately the name of "GiIhofer" in men caused the word "Gallho?". A few months ago, took to the Gallhof rich in memories of a walk in the company resulting in the girl. Cna gave him a memorial before litter, which it was written: "In memory of the beautiful Gallhofer hours." In recent days, from oblivion the names of the object is, apparently accidentally, was damaged by N. with a swift counter zasuwaniu what he, familiar with the importance of symptomatic, skonstatował not without guilt. In those days it was a bit indifferent set against this lady, although he loved, but opposed to delay her marriage wishes ".

11th in 1915 when war broke out with Italy, could u himself observed that suddenly went out of my memory large number of names of Italian towns which had not had much difficulty. Like many Germans, accustomed to spend part of holidays in the land of Italy and I could not doubt that this massive expression of my forgetfulness was understandable powaśnienia with Italy, which took place prior specific tastes. In addition to this directly motivated forgetting names daio itself felt also forgetting indirect importing to the same effect. I was also inclined to forget other than the Italian name of the town, and I determined in the course of the study these cases that the names were related in some way through even more similarity with the sound of prohibited names
somewhat hostile. And so one day mozoliłem remembering the name of the town of Isen B in Moravia. When I finally ran into did not immediately know. forgetting that it must be made on account Palazzo Bisenzi in Orvieto. The Palazzo is located in Hotel Belle Arti, where I lived for each stay in Orvieto. Beloved memories are naturally the most affected by the changed attitude of feeling. It is appropriate therefore to discuss some examples showing how the different intentions You can use
wrong step in reminding the name.

could multiply the number of examples of forgetting names and then discuss them, but I would like to avoid examining a right at the outset of almost all points of view, which will be considered in connection with the later emerging themes. But let me formulate a few sentences the results of studies cited here. The mechanism of forgetting names (actually falling, momentary forgetfulness) is disrupted by the name of the intended reproduction stranger in a time course of unconscious thought. Or from the top have forgotten there is a link between the name and the disturbing 'complex, or such a link is created only as "using the superficial (external), often artificial associations. Among the most disturbing complexes influenced by personal relationships (family, professional). The name, which due to its ambiguity is one of the several circles of thought (complexes) may in one course of thought be forgotten under the influence of a second, stronger, more complex. The motives of these distortions pierces desire to avoid unpleasantness that it could result in a guide to these names. You can usually distinguish between two types of forgetting names, ie where the name is associated with something unpleasant or when associated with something else of similar effect, so that the name may be forgotten for its own sake or because of further or closer relationships associative. Throwing a look at this thesis we understand that the temporary forgetting of names is our most common actions by mistake.
features discussed here are not yet exhausted all properties this phenomenon. The starting point was a striking fact that many people in the earliest childhood memories are preserved in the memory of the facts is often indifferent and child, while important, meaningful and affective impressions of that period did not leave (often, certainly not always) in the memory of adults or trace. Since it is known that our memory would deprive choose between impressions, we would have to assume that this choice in children is subject to very different rules than the age of intellectual maturity. Through detailed examination shows, however, that it is not. Indifferent childhood memories owe their existence to the process of displacement: it replaces in the reproduction of other really important experience, which guide can be obtained through psychological analysis, and whose direct reproduction meets resistance. Because they are not preserved due to its own content, but through union with another of that kojarzeniowemu, repressed, content, therefore, is justified given them my name "memories masking.

Content masking memories came there from the first childhood, while represented by the memory of survival, almost completely unconscious, came from the later years of life of the individual. This type of movement called reverse. Perhaps even more common is the attitude of the opposite, namely that some indifferent impression from the last time fixed in the memory as the memory of masking through a combination of such to historic experience, the direct reproduction meets with resistance. They are so called. Pre-masking memories, because what happened in this case actually happens in memory, there is a time beyond memory camouflage. It can be seen, and yet a third possibility that this memory not only in terms of content, but also in terms of time corresponds to the impression created by him osłoniętemu, so it would be simultaneous or contiguous memory masking. How big a part of our memory vault into the category of memories masking what is their role in the processes of thinking and neurosis - these issues are not roztrząsałem here nor there, nor here I would not consider them. I mean just that, to show that the forgetting of proper names of mistaken recall and create memories masking processes are identical.
End of Part III


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