See also:
describe a new taxon of pterosaur Elgin & , Frey (2011) from the Brazilian Cretaceous. Santana Formation in northeastern Brazil, from which one comes (specifically, its members Romulado), has a very decent "pterofaunou", which includes taxa Araripedactylus (Wellnhofer 1977), Ornithocheirus mesembrinus (Wellnhofer 1987), a bizarre head shape known Tapejara (Kellner, 1989) or an equally bizarre azhdarchoidi of complex Tupuxuara (Kellner & Campos 1988). Elgin & Frey (2011), at the very beginning of my work - which, unlike the study, available for free - offering a complete survey, including the full 14 taxa. Its share in this extraordinary diversity has undoubtedly the fact that Santana is one of the so-called Lagerstätten, sites with exceptional quality prezervace, which are maintained and soft tissue.
Equally well preserved material is a new taxon, which is almost complete skeleton of a pterosaur ornitocheiridního cataloged as MHNS 00/85. The rim is closed in two limestone nodules, and the main material is missing a large part of the cervical spine, as well as the surface of bone in several places heavily damaged. Prenomen Barbosania is derived from the surname of a professor Migeula Barbosa of Portugal's Museu de Historia Natural de Sintra, the second then the name means "slender beak" and is probably connected with the absence of other typical sagittal crest of the jaw. Barbosania pterodaktyloidem was a medium whose margins are hovering around 3 feet. Autapomorfií only found the number of dorsal vertebrae: Barbosania there's thirteen instead of twelve, which is usual for a number of other derived pterodaktyloidy. The first five of them to grow together while notaria, structures that have developed convergent pterodaktyloidi with many groups of modern birds (tinamami, hrabavými, pigeons, ibis, jeřábovitými, grebe - see James 2009). Diagnosis also involves a unique combination of characters: A new pterosaur has a hernia on the lower jaw, but no ridge on top of the beak, front teeth in both jaws are slightly tilted forward, the upper and lower jaws are 2 and 3 tooth twice as long as the teeth located at the back of them; 2 and 3 pair of teeth goes forward and out of the jaws, together with the first pair forming a "rosette", although quite close. That probably helped the pterosaur hunting fish and cephalopods, which are nurtured. In the upper jaw on each side there were about 24 teeth in the lower then 20 (the total number of teeth was then 88), between the back teeth are longer and spaced from 13 dental tooth height gradually decreases. The largest diameter of the tooth socket (alveolar) on the fourth tooth. Between 8th and 13 tooth - my source, which is the Dutch wikipedia, in this case unfortunately does not indicate which jaw - were two rows of teeth and jaws perfect complementary fit exactly into each other. Nasoantorbitální window feature autapomorfický monofenestrátních pterosaurs (Monofenestrata = Wukongopteridae + Pterodactyloidea ), typically resulting merger archosauřího předočnicového nozderním windows opening on the skull at barbosanie occupies 24% of the total length of the skull. Parietálu surface, parietal bone, is straight. The rear part of the buttock is pneumatizovaná.
total length of skull is 39.1 cm, from 33 cm to participate in her jaw. As regards the other elements, the length of the fuselage is 20.95 cm, humerus 15.5 / 16.2 cm, bone ulna and femur 22.3 cm 12.7 cm. The skull is long and narrow when viewed from the side has a concave top, front, because the rostrum is slightly bent upward. The authors describe the (Elgin & Frey, 2011) is due to the absence of the cranial crest early age, the type specimen, although in the case of osteology barbosanie ontogeny provides a somewhat confusing information. The authors interpret it so that barbosanii a shift over the course of normal ontogeny of pterosaurs, which partially adhesions between the tip of the extenzorovou tendon and the first link in the Fourth (křídelního) finger has occurred in a relatively small size. Likewise, the authors assume that the absence of the crest does not cause sexual dimorphism. The last hypothesis is also supported by a small salient parokcipitální ( processus paroccipitalis ) - a protrusion on the back of the skull above the occipital protuberance, used to connect the neck muscles. Its small size means weak neck muscles, which would be sufficient, however, fully, if the head was missing a lightweight rack. Regarding the postcranial skeleton, the material did not allow the authors to determine the exact number of cervical or lumbar vertebrae, however, are aware of four caudal vertebrae.
phylogenetically falls Barbosania between ornitocheiridy. As the authors note at the very beginning, on the use of names and Anhangueridae Ornithocheiridae there is controversy. As is the systematics pterosaurs is for one (Anhangueridae) Kellner stands for the second Unwin. Elgin and Frey You are well aware that in the literature have a wide occurrence of both names, but since they did not want to discuss the advantages of both nomenclatural systems, simply choose the Unwinův (Unwin 2003). In it is a good thing, including ornitocheira, anhangueru and several other taxa (liaoningoptera, for example) named Ornithocheiridae and places composed of ornitocheiridů, and istiodaktylidů pteranodontidů called Ornithocheiroidea . (I have the same name - instead Kellner Pteranodontoidea alternatives - and I chose for this blog.) The ornitocheiroidů then has Barbosania closest to brazileodaktylovi, another pterosaur from Santana Formation - the authors may be several copies of it sorted, in fact, closer than brazileodaktylově barbosanii related holotype.
describe a new taxon of pterosaur Elgin & , Frey (2011) from the Brazilian Cretaceous. Santana Formation in northeastern Brazil, from which one comes (specifically, its members Romulado), has a very decent "pterofaunou", which includes taxa Araripedactylus (Wellnhofer 1977), Ornithocheirus mesembrinus (Wellnhofer 1987), a bizarre head shape known Tapejara (Kellner, 1989) or an equally bizarre azhdarchoidi of complex Tupuxuara (Kellner & Campos 1988). Elgin & Frey (2011), at the very beginning of my work - which, unlike the study, available for free - offering a complete survey, including the full 14 taxa. Its share in this extraordinary diversity has undoubtedly the fact that Santana is one of the so-called Lagerstätten, sites with exceptional quality prezervace, which are maintained and soft tissue.
Equally well preserved material is a new taxon, which is almost complete skeleton of a pterosaur ornitocheiridního cataloged as MHNS 00/85. The rim is closed in two limestone nodules, and the main material is missing a large part of the cervical spine, as well as the surface of bone in several places heavily damaged. Prenomen Barbosania is derived from the surname of a professor Migeula Barbosa of Portugal's Museu de Historia Natural de Sintra, the second then the name means "slender beak" and is probably connected with the absence of other typical sagittal crest of the jaw. Barbosania pterodaktyloidem was a medium whose margins are hovering around 3 feet. Autapomorfií only found the number of dorsal vertebrae: Barbosania there's thirteen instead of twelve, which is usual for a number of other derived pterodaktyloidy. The first five of them to grow together while notaria, structures that have developed convergent pterodaktyloidi with many groups of modern birds (tinamami, hrabavými, pigeons, ibis, jeřábovitými, grebe - see James 2009). Diagnosis also involves a unique combination of characters: A new pterosaur has a hernia on the lower jaw, but no ridge on top of the beak, front teeth in both jaws are slightly tilted forward, the upper and lower jaws are 2 and 3 tooth twice as long as the teeth located at the back of them; 2 and 3 pair of teeth goes forward and out of the jaws, together with the first pair forming a "rosette", although quite close. That probably helped the pterosaur hunting fish and cephalopods, which are nurtured. In the upper jaw on each side there were about 24 teeth in the lower then 20 (the total number of teeth was then 88), between the back teeth are longer and spaced from 13 dental tooth height gradually decreases. The largest diameter of the tooth socket (alveolar) on the fourth tooth. Between 8th and 13 tooth - my source, which is the Dutch wikipedia, in this case unfortunately does not indicate which jaw - were two rows of teeth and jaws perfect complementary fit exactly into each other. Nasoantorbitální window feature autapomorfický monofenestrátních pterosaurs (Monofenestrata = Wukongopteridae + Pterodactyloidea ), typically resulting merger archosauřího předočnicového nozderním windows opening on the skull at barbosanie occupies 24% of the total length of the skull. Parietálu surface, parietal bone, is straight. The rear part of the buttock is pneumatizovaná.
total length of skull is 39.1 cm, from 33 cm to participate in her jaw. As regards the other elements, the length of the fuselage is 20.95 cm, humerus 15.5 / 16.2 cm, bone ulna and femur 22.3 cm 12.7 cm. The skull is long and narrow when viewed from the side has a concave top, front, because the rostrum is slightly bent upward. The authors describe the (Elgin & Frey, 2011) is due to the absence of the cranial crest early age, the type specimen, although in the case of osteology barbosanie ontogeny provides a somewhat confusing information. The authors interpret it so that barbosanii a shift over the course of normal ontogeny of pterosaurs, which partially adhesions between the tip of the extenzorovou tendon and the first link in the Fourth (křídelního) finger has occurred in a relatively small size. Likewise, the authors assume that the absence of the crest does not cause sexual dimorphism. The last hypothesis is also supported by a small salient parokcipitální ( processus paroccipitalis ) - a protrusion on the back of the skull above the occipital protuberance, used to connect the neck muscles. Its small size means weak neck muscles, which would be sufficient, however, fully, if the head was missing a lightweight rack. Regarding the postcranial skeleton, the material did not allow the authors to determine the exact number of cervical or lumbar vertebrae, however, are aware of four caudal vertebrae.
phylogenetically falls Barbosania between ornitocheiridy. As the authors note at the very beginning, on the use of names and Anhangueridae Ornithocheiridae there is controversy. As is the systematics pterosaurs is for one (Anhangueridae) Kellner stands for the second Unwin. Elgin and Frey You are well aware that in the literature have a wide occurrence of both names, but since they did not want to discuss the advantages of both nomenclatural systems, simply choose the Unwinův (Unwin 2003). In it is a good thing, including ornitocheira, anhangueru and several other taxa (liaoningoptera, for example) named Ornithocheiridae and places composed of ornitocheiridů, and istiodaktylidů pteranodontidů called Ornithocheiroidea . (I have the same name - instead Kellner Pteranodontoidea alternatives - and I chose for this blog.) The ornitocheiroidů then has Barbosania closest to brazileodaktylovi, another pterosaur from Santana Formation - the authors may be several copies of it sorted, in fact, closer than brazileodaktylově barbosanii related holotype.
- Elgin RA, Frey E 2011 A new ornithocheirid, Barbosania gracilirostris gene. et sp. nov. (Pterosauria, Pterodactyloidea) from the Santana Formation (Cretaceous) of NE Brazil. Swiss J Palaeont doi: 10.1007/s13358-011-0017-4
- James HF 2009 Repeated evolution of Fused thoracic spine in Songbird. Auk 126 (4): 862-72
- Kellner AWA 1989 A new pterosaur of the Lower edentata from the Cretaceous Araripe Basin, Northeast Brazil. In Acad Bras Ciênc 61: 439-46
- Kellner AWA, fields about 1988 new pterosaur with a sagittal crest Araripe Basin, Lower Cretaceous of Northeastern Brazil. (Pterosauria, Tupuxuara , Cretaceous, Brazil). In Acad Bras Ciênc 60: 459-69 [in Portuguese]
- 2003 DM Unwin On the phylogeny and evolutionary history of pterosaurs. 139-90 in Buffetaut E, Mazin JM, eds, Evolution and Palaeobiology of pterosaurs . Geol Soc Lond Spec Pub 217
- Wellnhofer P 1977 Araripedactylus dehmi nov. Gen., nov. sp., A new pterosaur from the Lower Cretaceous of Brazil. Mitt Bayer Staatsslg Paläont hist Geol 17: 157-67
- Wellnhofer P 1987 New crested pterosaurs from the Lower Cretaceous of Brazil. Mitt Bayer Staatsslu Paläont hist Geol 27: 175-86
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