Monday, May 2, 2011

Laundry Detergents Ppt

"Meditations" - Marcus Aurelius. Part II


first ; Starting the day, tell yourself: people come in contact with intrusive, couldn't, bold, cunning, malicious, niespołecznymi. All these defects arose from them due to lack of discernment of good and evil. And me, who examined nature of good, that is beautiful, and the evil that is ugly, and the nature of man sinning, that is related to me, not because he has the blood and the origin of the same, but that he and reason, and divine principle, no one can cause nothing wrong. No one because I do not embroiled in ugly. Nor can I feel anger towards a relative or hate him. We were born to work together because, like feet, like hands, like eyebrows, as rows of upper and lower teeth. Mutual harming itself is so contrary to nature, each other and harming the feelings of anger and hatred.

second is what I am, made up of body, breath, will. Down with books! I no longer give them to pull! Never! But, as that on his deathbed, look with contempt on the body: Here is a pile of feces and gnatów, fabric, braided tendons, veins, arteries. Consider now what it is to breath? Wind. And it is not always the same, but every time he throws up and pulls back. The third component is the will. Think about it. You are old, no longer allow that servant was that she went as a puppet for the wild impulse that was dissatisfied with the fate of an actual or would want to avoid the fate of him who awaits you in the future.

third works are full of divine providence. But in either case we can see the works of the action of nature, or resulting from the action of links and weave facts, which are the work of providence. Everything flows from there, but that connects to the necessity and benefit of a whole universe of which you are particle. This in turn is good for every particle of nature, which brings together nature of the universe and what is for her behavior. The factors are the preserve of the world and the transformation of the elements, and composite bodies. It's enough to let you, let it always serves as a certainty. Craving for books and throw away from each other, you do not die among the complaints, but calmly and honestly and sincerely gods grateful.

fourth Remember, how long to defer and how well the opportunity to receive from the gods, and not in use. Once he should feel, what kind of world you are part of and to which the rulers owe their origin. I have directed that the end of time. And if you do not use it to achieve serenity, he will disappear and you'll be gone, and a second time returns!

fifth Any time earnestly care about it as a Roman and a man, would you, what you have is at hand, it is arranged with the full and not successful in dignity and love, and freedom, and behavior justice, and you secured the independence of all other thoughts. And it gives to you, if you perform any work that the last in life, so that was free from any nierozwagi and blatant disagreement with the dictates of reason, and the hypocrisy, and selfishness, and dissatisfaction with fate. You see how little the conditions of the conditions under which you can drive nice and godly lives. Gods is nothing more will be demanded from that which it retains.

sixth Below is degrading itself, a soul! To ensure respect for itself, you will not have time! Short is the life of every human being. It's your already almost to the end is approaching, and you do the same for yourself you do not have respect, but his happiness in the souls of people are looking for others.

7th Why you is what is happening outside of you? Make sure you have a free moment to learn something good and stop wandering in circles. Another type of a round-trip should be avoided. Because you are crazy, and who burned it in the work force, if you do not have a goal towards which all drives and manage all your thoughts.

8th not been seen yet, to one who was unhappy with because it does not care about what happens in the soul of another human being. And they must be unhappy, who do not follow carefully tremblings of his own soul.

9th Always remember, what is the nature of the world, and what is mine. And this, in which he has to is then compared, and the fact that she is part of what a whole, and the fact that nobody has the power to stop you, anytime you do not or did not say what is compatible with nature, which are a part.

10th philosopher Theophrastus said when comparing the error (do not know if it can be compared in a manner accessible to this type of case) that the errors are made heavier with lust than with anger. A person who is angry seems to be reversed the sense of a secret pain and humiliation. Now the man who wanders from the lust, succumbing to the desire of pleasure, it seems somehow more licentious mistakes and unmanly. So he thought was right and according to the philosophical thinking that the error committed with pleasure is committed karygodniejszy than pain. One shows up at all, rather as a man, to whom was committed iniquity, and the pain forces you to excel themselves and, second, voluntarily committed to wickedness, greed pushed to a certain action.

11th So everything should be done and how to think about everything, as if he already had a go of life. And walk away from people, if gods exist, nothing is terrible, not because you have given over to evil. But if they do not exist, or if their men do not care, why I live in a world without gods or devoid of providence? Yes, and they are, and they care about human affairs. And that man fell into misfortune importantly, it totally made pending. And if, and besides, it was the evil, and so remember, that every man was pending, would not fall into the. What the man does wrong, how can make a poor man's life? So neither unconsciously or consciously (and then, if she could avoid the error or fix it) would not have committed this mistake of all-nature, or that so far not at fault, whether due to infirmity, or through awkwardness to good and evil accounted for in participation on an equal footing and without any plan, good and bad people. But life and death, fame and infamy, suffering and pleasure, wealth and poverty, all it falls equally bad and good people, because it is neither beautiful nor ugly. This is not so good nor bad.
12th How quickly everything disappears: the world's people themselves, in time and memory of them! These are all things of the senses podpadające, and above all what attracts pleasure or pain, fear takes over, or what because its size is apparent on everyone's lips. As it is small and not very important, and miserable, and negligible, and the corpse, it is to understand our power of thinking. Wherewith they are those whose sentences and distribute speech fame ...? What is death? When she herself who przypatrzy and cutting its image separates what connects her imagination, it will be nothing else she felt like a work of nature. Whoever is afraid of the works of nature, is a kid. And death, not only is the work of nature but also the work for her pleasure. Think about how the man and what part of his being in contact with God, and how this particular piece of human remains in some occasions.

13th There is an unfortunate human being on which everything revolves around and the bowels of the earth (as they say) examines, and draws conclusions about what is happening in the souls of others, and does not see that it is only sufficient intercourse with a demon inside myself and sincere service for him. Service and his-to keep it free from the passions and nierozwagi, and dissatisfaction with what is happening with the will of the gods and humans. What is to come from the gods, is revered for their excellence and human deeds are pleasing to the relationship, and sometimes like and pity for the lack of decent knowledge of good and evil. And blindness is not less than that which can not distinguish white from the black stuff.

14th A even though you still have to live three thousand years or ten thousand times longer, after all, remember that no one else does not lose a life over which one lives, while others are not dead, as those who lose. So is the longest to the shortest. The present is in fact equal for all, and therefore what is lost is equal. Yes So what is lost, presents itself as a lack of time as to the length. No one can lose what has already passed, or what will come. How can one be deprived of what is not there? About the love of two so you have to remember: first, that all ages in a similar manner to do and still persist, and that is all one whether he will be looked at those same things a hundred years or two hundred, or for eternity . And second, that even a very old man, and he who has to die an early age, they lose the same way. Only the present because to be denied (if you can say that and it has) and not lose what one does not exist.

15th Everything is conjecture. It is clear what he said Monimos cynic. The obvious benefit is, and his assertions, if only to draw conclusions from them within the limits of truth.

16th downgrades the human soul itself, and this, especially when it happens, as far as it depends on itself hung, like ulcers and offshoot of the world. Do not be satisfied because of what is happening is a deviation from nature, because it is covered by the nature of all other things. Then, when we turn with disgust from what either man or turns against him with intent to cause him harm, and these are the souls of people in anger. Thirdly, it humbles itself, where is pleasure or pain. Fourth, when it is false and does or says something in a successful and insincere. Fifthly, when the offense and his libido is not headed towards any purpose, but he does everything without the prudence and attention, although it is the smallest and home associated with a certain goal. The aim of the creatures, is to apply the principles and laws of the state and the oldest community.

17th length of human life-is a speck, essence-smooth, clear perception, a team of full-body-to rot, soul-vortex-los is a puzzle, the fame-thing uncertain. In short, everything connected with the body, is a river, what with the soul, it's a dream and nightmare. Life-war and a temporary stop in the journey after death-forgotten memories. What, then, can serve as a refuge? Only one: philosophy. She thrives on keeping our demon without stain or injury to be the stronger of pleasure and pain that he did not do anything without consideration or in a false and hypocritical, would not have wanted anything from anyone. And to all the events and accept fate as coming from somewhere, from there, whence he came. And above all, in every position in expectation of death with hope, in the belief that it is nothing but a distribution of the elements of which every creature is composed. If the same chemical elements niestraszna is constant change in the second one, so why worry transformation and distribution of all? After all this is happening in accordance with the laws of nature. And nothing is wrong, which is consistent with the nature.



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