has never had to see the pope on live, but is often used to see it on TV, and often heard his voice on the radio. Six years ago, when he left, along with a friend from college, sitting on a bench at the city hall, soaking up the warm rays of the sun (significant: the first time in my life during the Easter holidays there was no sun in Poland; Hidden behind the clouds, seemed to hide from people also tomorrow - apparently, in Rome will be raining and cold, another very interesting thing: Have you noticed how many breeds around the dandelions? Grandma once said to me, that when such a multitude of them, it means that humanity is, or becomes very ill ... - is it not so?), then this, freshly after his death, which was wspominałyśmy man and to this day, which is also significant, he awakens in people, only two reactions: Most, if it sees, even on recordings from years ago, I immediately have tears in my eyes ... The effect of a brick. But there are also those which by its very name is confused, angry, thereby diverting, irritating ... Well. Lets thank them for the time being. For me, JPII, our beloved Karol Wojtyla, has always been, despite the differences in ideology, authority, always. Just as, say, Shlomo Carlebach and Oriana Fallaci, but in other areas ... Therefore, today and tomorrow, and every now and then, I'll try to embed the stronie cytaty z jego licznych prac teologiczno-filozoficznych. Na początek:
"Elementarz Etyczny"
Z nauką o moralności mamy do czynienia jeśli badanie pochodzi od faktów życia moralnego w sposób tylko opisowy przy zastosowaniu metody doświadczalno – indukcyjnej. Etyka zajmuje się istniejącymi normami moralnymi, a zatem ustala co w danym środowisku uchodzi za dobre lub złe. Nie określa jednak co jest dobre, a co złe – the task of ethics, which is a normative science (standard = opinions about what is good and bad).
moral facts speak for people but not directly on the rules. Morality itself is life, and thus its creator is human. Ethics seeks to address first acts, because they are specific and individual. The function of conscience is to get to the actual reasons of good and evil in our actions - here the important role of spiritual director. In addition to changing the facts, there is a consistency of views on good and evil. For a man are the absolute values force because it is not human. In addition to the immutability of man also reveals some changes in the secondary. But this constancy, however, allows the identification of people and counted them to the same species. Religious Ethics = Christian ethics - stems from a reflection on being (especially a human, for which the back is a revelation.) rational truth of Revelation, are complemented by a supernatural truth acceptable to the mind only in the light of faith. Rules of conduct included in Revelation coincide with the rozumowymi although not always for some reason can come such as love of enemies. It should turn attention to mastering the ethics of Aristotle made by St. Thomas - the inclusion of the thoughts that arose independently of revelation.
On the Origin of the moral standards
Ethics is the science of normative standards and distinguish it from other sciences. There is talk of the supernatural and natural standards in ethics: Supernatural - come from God, and their source is a revelation and the Scripture - the commandments, counsel, indicated. St. Paul in Rom. says that the source of moral principles is a very intelligent human nature (by nature they do), requiring each person to perform those acts which constitute the contents of the Order of Divine Revelation. Thus, the earliest moral principles are known to the normal man from its very nature without revelation. Man those moral truths realizes just reason. In Revelation and find more - the supernatural. Still, these are the birthright and the supernatural revelation contained in and re-mobilize their human and granting the meeting.
source of knowledge is always nature and reason . Reason is in fact able to know the truth about moral good and related to the same facts. The truth of the good based on the understanding of human nature, of its objectives. Where the mind concludes that the possibility of nature begins to fail there, the action of grace .
Ethical standards are based on reality, which consists of the operator and the number of entities concerned. Reason in its function regularization introduces a presumption of conformity with reality - hence the assumption of realism in ethics. This realism turns into a kind of Christian ethics at supernatural realism - a reality recognized by reason enlightened by faith (possible adoption of Revelation). From Revelation we learn of the existence of the supernatural and the goods must be noted that these are real good it takes a man and is believed to be faithful to them as it shows that reason and faith.
Nature and excellence
word nature in Thomistic philosophy is the essence of of being. Reason meets primarily being. Each entity has its own essence, and it underpins all its specific properties. The mere existence is the subject of substantial existence and activities. The action updates the essence of existence - it is what it is possible
it becomes reality. This is what life is possible, is the nature of its purpose, because it corresponds to the nature and contributes to the activity of the entity. Being working and become more themselves, because in this to become more himself included the essential good of each being. Good is what causes desire, which triggers for action. Various goods are to his efforts and activities, which contribute to human progress. Only the perfected humanity of moral good, because it is the central act of human nature, whose main power and authority is the reason . He takes part in the process of becoming human. Reason establishing the rules of conduct that follows this procedure is to be against this or any other entity that contributes to its improvement, it is. A man can only improve in the whole world order. Reason has some understanding and regulating the order of the world tries to make the most precise set of man in it. This is done on what is a thorough understanding of all reality. Reason enlightened by faith is a supernatural discernment. God gives his light, sharing his knowledge with people. This helps to better define the rules of conduct. Grace is the basis for being and acting in a way appropriate to God Þ action is dependent on the assimilation of God's grace. This is what man is and what it should stand by their moral life becomes for Christians the full meaning in the light of faith.
it becomes reality. This is what life is possible, is the nature of its purpose, because it corresponds to the nature and contributes to the activity of the entity. Being working and become more themselves, because in this to become more himself included the essential good of each being. Good is what causes desire, which triggers for action. Various goods are to his efforts and activities, which contribute to human progress. Only the perfected humanity of moral good, because it is the central act of human nature, whose main power and authority is the reason . He takes part in the process of becoming human. Reason establishing the rules of conduct that follows this procedure is to be against this or any other entity that contributes to its improvement, it is. A man can only improve in the whole world order. Reason has some understanding and regulating the order of the world tries to make the most precise set of man in it. This is done on what is a thorough understanding of all reality. Reason enlightened by faith is a supernatural discernment. God gives his light, sharing his knowledge with people. This helps to better define the rules of conduct. Grace is the basis for being and acting in a way appropriate to God Þ action is dependent on the assimilation of God's grace. This is what man is and what it should stand by their moral life becomes for Christians the full meaning in the light of faith.
importance duty
Human nature is a source of standards. Reason in fact defines the rules of conduct. That is why discernment grows duty. Describes her mind. Duty draws energy from the dynamics of being, the momentum for good, with a will. A moral obligation is combined with will, refers to it is its duty. The duties will be to man moral or may not be. Therefore, the duty of the links of effort, tension. line voltage leads between who I am, and who should be . Will is the power of this tension. This tension in a way zdwaja will. Tension also arises between who I am and who I am, who I can not be. Here, for the believer emerging problem of corruption of human nature. Theological doctrine of the (original sin) the best will come out against the background of that distinction four states of nature: Nature clean - this would be if God had not raised her to the supernatural. But God has not done so, because human nature is not in this state of any man. This elevation to the order of nature over-fit the nature of sanctifying grace. Mature fusion of grace and nature creates the fullness of humanity, the state of unspoilt nature from sin. Therefore, the perfect state of nature can rely on a great fusion of grace. Maturity of the anastomosis has to rely on the full order. A man carries a full order. Lower energies of nature are higher. The man has a soulfulness that is adequate reason and will not be on the defensive, but the rule and guide. The will is essential for morality. The original sin of man knocked from the state of perfect nature, and still it is precipitated. It is a state of fallen nature (status naturae lapsae). Intellect and will hardly recover the man power to allow real good, moral goodness which is the target nature. Experience, however, support the work of redemption of Jesus Christ. Since the fall of man in him did not last, but he felt the hidden impulses of grace through which the leads according to the nature of work of rebuilding. God's intentions. It is a condition of redemption (status naturae reperatae) in which the person has recovered, although the word grace inclination to sin nature can not be rectified. A man is in a state of fallen nature, and redeemed. The will and the desire for the good have not completely decomposed, because this will become obligations of each entity, which means that it is still a tension. The moral duty of man shows that will no longer be together, that's the nature of the ailment at the root of your health. Themselves would not be known if the moral good reason not caused this tension. So the nature may be a source of moral norms. Reason, which may be mistaken in identifying suitable for good will, and can also with the trigger and fairly recognize the truth about the good. Position of the Catholic doctrine of revelation strengthens the conviction of the Matura possibilities of intellect and will. The second man is a tension in the tension between nature and grace. Because nature is not entirely a bad grace, so do not go unfulfilled, but it instills in what is healthy and creative. The entire business is focused on the grace of healing and strengthening of nature, man wants to restore the fullness of life in harmony with nature healed. It is not geared to disturb nature. The more nature heals and matures, the more grace mined from the reserves of these energies, which, without grace, would not ever run. Grace is becoming more like a second nature (there is less tension and more intercourse and interaction). Unbelieving man brings his inner drama of duty, the tension between what is and what it should be.
law of nature
man often looks to its nature as a source of evil, evil propensities. So where is good? The reason may be, among others escape liability. Fleeing from the law of nature is an escape from personality. This means that a person would need to feel much more the creator himself. This escape is even more an escape from lawgiver, and nature itself is not a lawmaker. It allows you to only read the mind and the will of the Lawgiver. We find it (the thought and desire) in nature, in its normal tendency. The human mind does not live by itself and in itself, but still faces the objective reality, we must understand, read it. Man is the only element in nature and does not stand above it. In every man there is a tendency to social life. This tendency lies some fundamental right, the man listens. Always indicates the existence of the right the legislator, who always cares about community. The law is always the work of reason. Elementary act of creation is a concern for survival, reflected in the nature of things. Tendency leads towards order, governance and in good order all the good it is good, in which humanity, man has a share. This participation requires knowledge of the laws of nature. A man has thought rationally listen to the Creator. The merits of his preaching should be. Law of nature, man knows reason.
Humanism and the goal of human
opposition stems often with humanism. If ethics is to be humane, God can not be the goal of human life, this goal can only be a man. If God is the goal of man is man can not be a goal for myself. Well to say that God is the goal? Creating marked the beginning of beings. God is referring to the existence of entities not looking at them make up their perfection. Act provides for the creation of his will and she always strives for the goal, which is good. Thus, God is revealed through the by good, not perfect but it is his. Creation is good enough for him, if perfection manifested existence. There is a hierarchy of goods. Any entity created by the fact that it is and what is complete, in some measure the absolute perfection of Being - God. In order to best reveal who God is their Creator, each entity should be created just as much as possible themselves. God - the purpose of creatures does not detach them from each other and from their inherent excellence, but it more in the deposition. The same applies to humans. What is true perfection of man, which he perfected, has the purpose of God, is an indirect disclosure of His perfection, His fullness. Religious Ethics begins with the awareness of the desirability of living. Continuation depends on how to turn out this contact with the Being of existence (whether by way of blame or fear, or by way of charity). When the relation of man to God, formed on the principle of love for people to people, then everything in it is happening and develop by. regularity, that love brings. Man has the right to love. A man is most himself when update to its highest potential. Love is an update to the highest possibilities of man.
issues of truth and mercy
religious ethics is a subject of criticism because God sees the highest authority of the truth about good and evil - Judge, who may, however, forgive the evil (mercy). Under these conditions, it is claimed, life takes on the nature of the game, risk, bad case, serendipity, etc. A man ceases to rely on self-judgment and strength and trying to beat. This utterly misses the truth. However, the problem of the court in religious morality, a man is different. He is convinced that God knows and passes more human than he himself. Man of self-determination should be that the court's own conscience about good and evil. The Court of God agrees in principle with the court of conscience. Even if the court is mistaken conscience, God takes this game of error of conscience as the basis for appeal of
human deed unless a mistake was not culpable of human rights. The Court of God is not human but a court devalues \u200b\u200bthe one hand, it counts on the other, it sharpens and refines. No mercy, it does not consent to evil, tolerance of evil. It is associated with the wobbling from evil towards good. Where there is, evil effectively disappears. Where evil persists, there is no mercy. The good can be born out by other interests., Mercy of God is another good, which generates good spot evil. Mercy does not accept bad but it helps in the conversion. Mercy of God goes hand in hand with strict justice.
human deed unless a mistake was not culpable of human rights. The Court of God is not human but a court devalues \u200b\u200bthe one hand, it counts on the other, it sharpens and refines. No mercy, it does not consent to evil, tolerance of evil. It is associated with the wobbling from evil towards good. Where there is, evil effectively disappears. Where evil persists, there is no mercy. The good can be born out by other interests., Mercy of God is another good, which generates good spot evil. Mercy does not accept bad but it helps in the conversion. Mercy of God goes hand in hand with strict justice.
problem selflessness
correct interpretation of the science of happiness
are, however, the objective interests of human beings which do not interfere with selflessness, because the result from the tendency of being human. Something like that is the pursuit of happiness. It is something natural and necessary, it can not not want. The desire for happiness does not lie on top of the willing, and even more on top of the deeds of man. However, it is not difficult to discover them. Happiness is the goal of nature is not ethical, nor the subject of choice. The subject of choice is always some way to go. Happiness is not the way but the goal of the road. Ethics indicates an indirect path to happiness. Here, however, can pose the problem of self-interest: that the theme of happiness in ethics appropriate to send a moral good. However, in the Gospel we hear the order of excellence. There are different degrees of perfection (you will need - the Gospel tells, possible - doing the gospel.) Excellence is not a heteronomous - not a man stripped of what is and ought to be and ends up in the same essence. Perfection is humanistic, interior and human. Fortunately, referred to in the Gospels comes through excellence. Does not buy happiness but at the price of perfection to it matures, becoming more fully human
. Happiness is already present, according to Aristotle, including becoming. In the Gospel, a man matures, not only to their humanity but to God. Puberty happens to God by grace. These two aging go hand in hand. Mature to God at the same time it matures to full humanity. This excludes heteronomy. A man does not buy happiness za cenę moralności, on dojrzewa do szczęścia. Dojrzewa tylko człowiek i to tylko do osób. Etyka personalistyczna (ewangeliczna) głosi szczęście, do którego dojrzewa się przez wysiłek moralny.
. Happiness is already present, according to Aristotle, including becoming. In the Gospel, a man matures, not only to their humanity but to God. Puberty happens to God by grace. These two aging go hand in hand. Mature to God at the same time it matures to full humanity. This excludes heteronomy. A man does not buy happiness za cenę moralności, on dojrzewa do szczęścia. Dojrzewa tylko człowiek i to tylko do osób. Etyka personalistyczna (ewangeliczna) głosi szczęście, do którego dojrzewa się przez wysiłek moralny.
Stosunek do przyjemności
Moment zadowolenia czy przyjemności, który dołącza się do czynów człowieka, należy potraktować jako nieważny, uboczny, gdy uznamy, że człowiek dąży do szczęścia przez doskonałość moralną . Dobro moralne przynosi głębokie satisfaction. We not simply rely on the pleasure and according to shape their behavior? This concept of happiness (as the sum of pleasure), but quite alluring is no sufficient reason to properly direct the actions of man. Pleasure, satisfaction ... it's a good subjective, which may lead to the happiness of man beyond good of his people or society. Ethics does not condemn the satisfaction, pleasure ... but shows the teacher of a good objective, ie more than not. Christian morality does not lead a man by finding the maximum pleasure and minimum pain in life. Man is able to gradually sensitize the difficult good (spiritual and supernatural). You can not expect that the pleasure or satisfaction at the same moral life will give the correct direction. This will direct the intellect and the human side objective good.
values \u200b\u200b
more values \u200b\u200b(expresses the conviction that the more they bring it closer to the objective good.) Values more of a higher human cost. These values \u200b\u200bare spiritual values \u200b\u200b(they are better, more cost, bring in objective good). They represent a man, his excellence. Moral value of man is more than physical strength or beauty. If the claims about the superiority of spirit over matter, as it was then understood that the objective of human perfection is primarily a spiritual, its moral value? The result of such considerations can not be materialism. Spiritual values \u200b\u200bare higher because it is objectively related to the higher existence of a being more perfect than the matter. Spiritual values \u200b\u200boutweigh its nature matter. Spiritual energies themselves also in themselves to develop and refine. Knowledge is the perfection of reason and morality perfection will. Only beings endowed with reason, there is the problem of truth, moral good. In addition to the spirit of truth and moral good can not exist. What material in man and outside it, determines the different ways to learn the truth and the realization of moral good. But what else is "conditioned" and another "cause" or "produce." Spiritual values \u200b\u200bcan not be definitively source in the matter, but in the spirit that it generates, is the direct cause of being of their creation and existence of man.
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True or we see only what we want to see ..? |
What is asceticism?
Ethics has only rationale for this ordering (the hierarchy of the spiritual over the material.) Position is related to the primacy of moral values. They are human condition of self-belief in their specific human energies and capacities. although higher spiritual values, it is weaker than the material . What material feels more; what falls under the senses ... this is subjective, intangible force. Spiritual values \u200b\u200bof man does not win in such a way as to property. In conflict with matter often assume defeat. It is also a human disaster, because the spiritual values \u200b\u200bare at its perfection. Man must therefore defend ourselves against this disaster, and do everything in his power to prevail values \u200b\u200bthat the less experienced, to weaker values \u200b\u200bhave become more powerful, because they are objectively better, and must remove that lower their subjective strength. The need for a specific effort. It is asceticism. It is normal and necessary factor of the moral life of man. This is a solid commitment to work on themselves, the work of moral perfection. It does not cover only the commandments. Asceticism is not to escape from life but is expected to deliver its fullness. By her man will come with all the values \u200b\u200band live them in their truth. Asceticism has some scratches religious, it is associated with religion. Asceticism comes when a man sees in it a way to God. It serves also to all the values \u200b\u200bare arranged in proper relation to God. This brings glory to God and man with him more strongly fused (on the basis of good).
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Lady of All Nations, Mary of Fatima | |
ideas and humility
Seeing God
Gospel According end to human life is the vision of God (1Kor13, 12, 1J2, 3). Included in the study of these passages a vision of God is the true revelation, and so is the object of faith. According to Aristotle, man's happiness should depend on such an act, in which reason would be the most perfect Being the object of cognition. Contemplation is the pinnacle of being rational. This view tends to something similar as revealed truth. The idea is to determine the fullness of man's spiritual life. Revelation goes to the limits of nature (contrary to Aristotle), the more dynamic of the human being presupposes supernatural forces (sanctifying grace). Since man is by the grace of God's participation in the life it represents is also on the participation of man in wen. Action of God. Directly serve the divine virtues (faith, hope, love) through which man has matured to union with God himself. In terms of the Gospel fullness of spiritual life is supernatural. Something to do with the life of God to the human soul passes through the graces and virtues of the supernatural and the shapes of human life in God's way. How does it happen? It is a mystery of faith. Supernatural elements operate in the lives of all people, even those who did not realize, or even deny. No one is denied access to grace. Redemption for all. The spiritual life going to appropriate for themselves fully. When life is permeated with grace, going then to a fully objective, which gives a union with God. In it, namely the unification of the human being reaches the bottom of reality. The man is strengthened in this by fully understanding and love. Authorized balance is achieved during in all. With his spiritual man attains perfection by a growing maturity of the truth. In the meeting with God, human being has come into effect in absolute truth (the whole truth at once.) In this light, can not stand any false and lacks the human being.
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John Paul II the Great - the Blessed Virgin Mother was for him throughout his life since the age of 9 he lost his surrogate ... |
cornerstone of social ethics
is often said that ethics, especially Christian ethics, which deals exclusively with personal life of man, and does not enter into the life social development. Therefore, it is often opposed to the ethic socialist, in turn, dealing with the social side of human life. Aristotle called the ethic of "politics" because of its social nature. Today, you can not take it literally. "Policy" of which Aristotle spoke, the public interest can be found in Christian sources such as the letter of Old and New Order's strongly accentuates all of the obligations of justice and love. These two virtues are by their very social beings, and the mature fruit of their implementation, morally, is the life of every society, such as state of the family. The tendency for social work lies in every person regardless of his wishes, lies a need to live with others and with himself. Otherwise, gazed and gazed on this view, eg Hume, Hobbes, or Rousaeau. They advocated the so-called. Individualism assumes that the body has no grounds of belonging to society, that social life is the result of the agreement. The unit is more important than society, and it in turn owes its existence to her wish. Thus, justice and love of virtue Þ society, not its raison d'etre, as the scope of individual freedom in this system does not allow for their existence. If a man by its very nature is focused only on her good it does not want the good of others, much less the good of society. To a man could carry out the social virtues, must find in themselves a natural need for a reference to another person. Christian ethics is not only defends the social virtues that are the priceless heritage of revelation, but the weapons of those virtues in man. A person is being open, but that does not mean independence from society. It is being free in the social life and was on the ground of its tendency to live social good use of his freedom.
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not hold your children come to me ... Remember how his robe that covered his toddler during Mass? |
justice and love
love is more perfect than justice. Moral teaching of Christ was based on love. In terms of love is placed all manifestations of heart, kindness, devotion and sacrifice, and is associated with justice rather cold sense, firmness and severity. We must realize that these two virtues are interrelated and interdependent. May the two have as their object the good and the person. The justice must be at least two people and the good should be shared equally, even when the part would take place between many people. Justice is needed so that individual members of a society divided between them in a manner appropriate to these obligations, they have to society. Love has the same social nature, but when it comes to good (in the justice shared between people) in the love of it without restrictions, without dividing it comes to the greatest good for the other person. The person is the party which he loves and the party which is loved. If you want the good for yourself, you can not call it love, but rather the desire of so very often happens, therefore, to prevent this love must be anastomosed to justice. Love is energy that is closer to the person you penetrate into the world to identify with her being. In love with anything, we charge no. Triggers what is best in man and noble (unlike utilitarianism). For each substance, you can always just want the good according to the measure of its capabilities, otherwise it may be that "better is the enemy of good." You can love by. some measure, but we must remember not to pay the second measure more than to himself. Love is opposed to capitalism, but tends towards a man's generosity. Love people feel much stronger than the love of society - this road leads through justice, and in general it fulfills an important role Þ fairly protects the reinforcement and the stotalizowaniem.
The fight
The fight is taken by any realistic ethics. The fight is mainly connected with the world of matter, with the field of material goods. They are our most desirable because they can not be possessed and used simultaneously by many different people and societies. It is different in the case of spiritual goods, because they in turn can be possessed by others, without prejudice to its being for example, if a man "struggling" with the knowledge or virtue, or "a God" is usually not fighting for it with other people as adversaries but with himself, with his own weakness. You can fight for the good in other people. Christianity sees the fight differently than materialism. The fight is becoming a necessity if the tangible assets are not only fundamental, but only such as combating victim of social class with class, which exploits (you need to ask ourselves whether it is a class struggle for justice?). Christian ethics has not been and will never be a class. Understands the struggles for justice (can you say that such a fight he was also Jesus Christ). It is inevitable wherever there is injustice and it is even necessary if you can not otherwise agree to the conflicting interests of a fair fight then. This struggle leads only one party, as the second leads the fight against unjust. In each fight the good mix and moral evil (eg, physical evil is destruction - in the field of life, culture, etc.). Here we are reminded of a specific commandment to love your enemies. In the light of Christian principles, be sure to not spend zażegnując fight for her justice, as well as the fact that fighting did not exceed the requirements of justice. Christian ethics tries to pull the power of individuals and societies to fight for a higher good. Tangible assets - what leads to fight and separated from it. Proper human community of interests linked to is the area of \u200b\u200bspiritual values.
independent ethics in light of the idea of \u200b\u200bjustice
Justice is the whole moral order, but love is its perfection. Social Virtues determine whether the relationship of God to man and man to God is the ratio of one zespołecznienia up. Zespołeczniona humanity with God, especially by the person of Jesus Christ - the Redeemer of man. Redemption is good the injustice of man towards God. God is just the man for what a man feels that, in view of God can be a fair or unfair. Independent ethics - rather the ideals and moral principles are the elements of Christian ethics is a minus, which refers to God, what is its religious character. Christian ethics includes a turn, all natural ethics (approved in the Decalogue and the Gospel). It is not based on Revelation, and is not related to religion of revelation, though it does not mean that there is no non-religious. Previously, they needed no revelation to determine the principles of natural morality. A man with reason proposes the existence of a First Cause, which owes its life and as being able to know the truth should express it in your inner and outer life. In doing so fulfill his obligation to justice. Ethics is devoid of independent justice, he believes that a person can be fair or unfair only to someone who exists.
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