first Abraham
biblical patriarch, is often understood as symbolizing a new form of mankind, it represents God's chosen man, who has been blessed with the fulfillment of promises (wealth, offspring) also considered the prototype of unconditional, devoid of faith and obedient clear willingness to sacrifice. "The Sacrifice" by him of his son Isaac, often interpreted as a symbolic announcement of the Passion of Christ. Performing bosom of Abraham are a symbol of security of the faithful in God: Abraham, who in the New Testament is considered to be privileged in Paradise, she keeps on her bosom in the sling group of selected, sometimes also meets the image of Lazarus in the bosom of Abraham (in relation to the parable of the poor Lazarus.)
second Acedia
Acedia (sloth) - feminine personification of one of the seven deadly sins, riding on a donkey, a symbol, among others. bird - the ostrich with his head in the sand.
third Adam
In the biblical story of Creation represents the first man, that man in general. In art, presented a relatively rare without Eve. Acc. Legends of Golgotha \u200b\u200b- the place of skulls - it was the grave of Adam, often symbolized by the skull of Adam, which can be found (sometimes together with a rib from which Eve was created, or the entire frame) under the cross in the representations of the Crucifixion: it is a symbolic allusion to Christ as the new Adam. The Alchemy Adam often represents materia prima. U-Jung, Adam symbolizes the "cosmic man" original totality of the psychic forces, in dreams, dream appears, among others. in the form of the Old Sage.
Adam and Eve, according to the biblical stories, embody the first, a typical human pair. Top performance: temptation by the serpent in Paradise , often portrayed with the first appearance of the shame and expulsion from Paradise. Adam and Eve, we are well on both sides of the cross of Christ, as representing all the people who are following Christ will be saved. Quite often alongside Adam and Eve, we find the symbolic images: a lamb at the feet of Eve - this points to Christ, as one of its descendants, Sheep, ears and tools point to the work that needs to be done outside of Paradise.
4th Agate
Since ancient times, is highly valued, precious stones, was regarded as a therapeutic agent and an aphrodisiac, as well as for the stone to protect, among others. from the weather, bitten by a snake and a bad look.

5th Agave
agave, aloe , mentioned in the Bible is a tall tree aloe, which were obtained very valuable, bitter and fragrant oil, often used it along with myrrh. Aloe and its oil were regarded as a symbol of penance and abstinence. It remains also in a symbolic connection with the death of Christ because it is mentioned in the scene of Christ's submission to the grave. Nader longevity agave (the century-old aloe) releases the once high stalk with numerous flowers and then dies, in the Middle Ages was considered a symbol of Mary's virginal motherhood.
6th Aigis
Aegis - Zeus shield, the shield forged by Hephaestus, in the middle of the present head of the Gorgon. On the basis of wrong interpretation of etymological stories posthomeryckich thought that she was dressed leather goat Amalthea, Zeus lent it to, among others. Athena. Aegis was the symbol of care of the gods, so that even today we use the phrase "under the aegis". Interpretation egidy as a symbol of the storm and the storm clouds is disputed.
7th Acacia
tree is often equated with black locust and mimosa. True acacia wood is very durable, and so was considered a symbol of immutability. Acacia is especially in the Masonic symbol of purity, immortality, and initiation.
8th Alchemy
Launched probably mainly in Egypt and developed in medieval and early modern times Theoretical and experimental study of chemical substances. Alchemy was the climax of symbolic thinking and penetration, also remained in close connection with astrology and medicine. Alchemical practices aimed primarily for processing of the substance and the mystical union of micro-and macrocosm, and - associated with this - to purify the soul. For the elements - beyond the four elements gr. philosophy of nature (fire, water, air and earth) - the alchemists believed the "philosophical elements" (salt, sulfur and mercury).
9th Alpha and (Omega)
Alpha - the first letter of the Greek alphabet and the first letter of the word arche = beginning, both the Bible and in Christian art and literature, symbolizes the "beginnings." Alpha and Omega, beginning and ending letters, contain all the other letters, thus it is a symbol of fullness, and in particular the whole of God Christ, as the first and the last (a frequent theme accompanying monogramowi Christ (see photo above). Teilhard de Chardin has used the two letters to illustrate his theory of evolution.
10th Alraune
mandrake root name relatively mandragoli , solanaceous plant of the genus, which according to folk beliefs grew into gallows gallows from the sperm (which is why the root is often called "the little man from the gallows"). The rhizome has a shape reminiscent alrauny human figure. Alraune a long time there was a multitude of uses as a medicinal and magical, as well as an aphrodisiac. Thus, for example, in Egypt and in Hebrews, was regarded at various times for a magically effective symbol of love and fertility. In medieval folk beliefs attributed to the ability to bring alraunie happiness, fertility and wealth, now frequently invoked on it in this sense in various proverbial phrases.
11th Ambrosia
In ancient food of the gods, often mentioned alongside the nectar, ensures immortality. In Christian literature, the Word of God and the Eucharist, are often referred to this as symbolic.
12th Amen
In a Jewish synagogue worship, the New Testament, in all Christian liturgies and even in Islam, the liturgical formula of recognition and acknowledgment of the word of God. In Revelation Christ symbolically is called "Amen."
13th Amethyst
In ancient times, was regarded as a remedy against poison and drunkenness (amehysios = not drunk). In Christian symbolism signified humility, because it has a modest violet hue, as well as a symbolic allusion to the Passion of Christ (violet). Amethyst was considered also as one of the cornerstones of the heavenly Jerusalem.
14th Amulet
Usually a small object, carried with him who, in the magical world image serves people as a magical power that protects (eg, against the spirits, evil eyes, misery, disease) and good luck. Often, the singularity or object thought to be a form of symbolic expression of the specific pressures powers of fate. To the prevailing type of amulet include horn, reptiles, spiders, clover leaves, figs, obscene, precious and semiprecious stones, names or letters, striking forms of nature (eg Alraune), but also images of saints, etc. The wearing of jewelry involves presumably is customary to wear amulets. Amulets have been known since prehistoric times, particularly widespread in the Ancient East and China, in Egypt, mummies were protected against the "death" with amulets. The custom charms have practiced today is partly (although usually it involves a kind of religion.)
15th Anemone
In ancient times it was a symbol of transience, since this flower is not long (anemos in Greek means "wind"). Also known as Flower of Adonis, whose Venus has changed in the purple-red anemone. In Christian symbolic language, anemones mean shed blood of the saints (along with roses and daisies).
16th Arbor Philosophica
philosophers Tree, Silver Tree otherwise known as Lat. name - Arbor Dianae - is a phenomenon resulting from the crystallization solution of silver nitrate mixed with mercury-like shape of the tree and branches. For the alchemists were a symbol and proof of a "growing plants like nature" of metals. This term describes the twelve most "alchemical operation" (calcinatio, Solutio, elementorum separatio, coniunctio, putrefactio, coagulatio, cibatio, sublimatio, fermentatio, exaltatio, augmentatio, prejectio), whose mutual relationships are often depicted graphically in the form of branched tree.
17th Archetypes
word comes from Greek and means "pratypy" in accordance with the philosophy praobrazy late antiquity, that is, ideas, existing in the spiritual world. CG Jung applied this concept to determine the common and universal symbolic forms and images that can be found both in the dream dreams and myths, fairy tales, etc. (it is called. Collective unconscious) and that enable people in an illustrative way of insight into the constantly recurring basic structure of individual development.
18th Ark
ark in the Bible Noah, the ship on which he and his family and some animals (a pair of each species), rescued from the flood. The prototype seen Noah's ark of salvation, which brings the baptized. It is also a symbol of the Church, except that symbolizes the whole of sacred knowledge, which can not be lost. CG Jung speaks of the ark as a symbol of the womb. Ark of the Covenant was called the ark of Israel, also determined that Our Lady Mediatrix of salvation.
19th Atlantis
According to Plato's legendary country in the Atlantic Ocean, absorbed by Poseidon (sea), allegedly due to the misappropriation of power and majesty of the Greek gods. In a figurative sense, Atlantis was and still is a symbol of the lost Paradise and the golden age, because according to the applications, the island, and also a whole civilization living in them, would be highly developed (spiritually, academically and culturally).
20th Aum (Om)
Om - Christmas meditation syllable of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism remain fraught with esoteric meanings (as amended Aum), considered to be imperishable and inexhaustible, and it is interpreted, among others. as a symbolic expression of the creative spirit, words, or (because of its three sounds) of the three states of human sleep, three times of day: morning, noon and evening, the three powers: the action, cognition, will, etc.
21st Halo
First of all, in Christian art, a bright glow, or a circle luminous radiation surrounding the whole figure and a symbol of divine light, in contrast to the glory of the art chrzeĊc. reserved primarily for Christ and Mary. The almond-shaped (mandorla).
22nd Avaritia
Otherwise - stinginess - a female personification of one of the seven deadly sins, presented among others. as riding a toad borsuku or wolf.
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