Friday, April 29, 2011

Dealer Interview Questions

gardening work in May, fertilize

two days will arrive in May and with it a lot of garden work.
  • Since early May, you are ready for sowing cucumbers intended for transplanting. It is mostly grown in trays or wielodoniczkach.
  • In May sown maize . Thermophilic sweet corn should be sown until the end of the month.
  • There are already the first harvest of vegetables sown under cover or in plastic tunnels , min. onions, chives and radishes .
  • also collect seed yields of winter and vegetables, perennials, like asparagus, rhubarb and sorrel. We think
  • tomato seedlings , cucumbers, peppers and celery.
  • strong growth period in late May, pass tomatoes. Their stems are pretty weak, so each plant provided with strong stakes, to which we attach the plant gently. Tomatoes need lots of water to be pour into the groove around the plants.
  • in late May and June need more water strawberries. Spacing make watering without showering. Keep watering can spout as close to the ground, so that no water and no soil rozmywała brudziła fruit.
  • the space reserved for the discounts we have sown vegetable crops for green manure, such as rye, lupins, field peas and mustard. Quickly form a densely sown green carpet of weeds difficult. Then, they dig, which fertilize the soil and improve its structure.
  • It's time for seeding biennial plants .
  • In the first half of May we even sowing some summer annuals flowers.
  • In May we continue to exaggerate perennials and divide, we must remember that too much to trim the overgrown, above-ground parts of plants.
  • Perennials, which already has released the young shoots should be protected against chłodami night. If you announced a big drop in temperature-sensitive plants (eg Dahlias), we can protect material for mulching or even boxes or cartons.
  • Young shoots of climbing plants and szpalerowych should be given, as a loosely hanging shoots poorly tolerate strong winds. To avoid being crushed canes, we pay them so that they are not adhered too closely to the support.
  • early May is the period when you need to harden seedlings, flowers seedlings and sprouted bulbs and tubers, such as begonias bulbous. Destruction of the gardeners of the cold start (ie from 16 May). Meanwhile, in the habit of plants to external conditions, the weather is good to ventilate frames. Good growth determines the appropriate amount of light.
  • In May, ending a period of intensive plant growth onion. All the time loosens soil and remove weeds. In early May we make the last fertilization easily digestible wieloskładnkowymi fertilizers. These components will use the fertilizer plant to produce new corms and bulwek. In the faded flowers of plant breaks at the base. When the onion start to yellow leaves (means entering into a state of rest), cessation of watering.
  • on roses bushes may appear wild shoots growing out from the place of grafting. Noticed "dziczki" immediately break away from the earth at the same time odsypując root collar area.
  • At the end of the month starting to fade lilacs, faded flowers it is removed immediately, thanks to these plants also bloom in abundance in the next year.
If the lawn appears moss, soil, or a pitchfork to loosen the cylinder wrench.
can also benefit from special, regulated facilities, removing dead grass and moss.


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