Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Mcintosh 4100 Receiver

What plot?

in amateur crops on the plots and home gardens is recommended to use natural fertilizers, especially if we want to produce from these crops of fruit and vegetables were tasty and healthy. The basic of this type of fertilizer is compost, derived from vegetable matter from our garden.
alternative is available in garden shops are increasingly the choice, many organic fertilizers.

Biohumus - is the name of the fertilizer formed during decomposition of organic matter by microorganisms and earthworms. Plant debris after passing through the digestive system of earthworms are mixed in a well ventilated heap, resulting in an abundant fertilizer with a high proportion of organic humus. The high content of nutrients and the lumpy structure biohumusu puts it on par with the compost when it comes supply to the crops, as well as improving the quality of the soil after its application. To obtain a high quality of the fertilizer and to minimize the time of its production, we obtain the Californian earthworms, which are considered to be the best "producer" biohumusu. Just as in the case of the risk of spreading compost fertilization of crops is very limited and proportional processed organic remains, it falls to zero. The garden shops no problem we can purchase biohumusu based fertilizers.

Guano - that seabird droppings rich in phosphates, calcium and magnesium, and readily available forms of nitrogen. This is one of the most effective organic fertilizers because of the high concentration of micro and macronutrients. Currently, the most you can get beautifully wrapped, small quantities of guano, intended for ornamental plants and vegetable crops, in the form of loose or liquid. In applying this fertilizer it is essential to maintain the proportions of dilutions indicated on the package, because too much can quickly lead to dieback of plants. On the basis of guano produced also activators of the compost pile to speed up the decomposition process to create a natural compost and humus.

bird manure - it's our "national guano." It is characterized by a high content of nutrients, so when used together with other organic fertilizers, you can virtually stop feeding additional mineral fertilizers. Plants respond very quickly to the application of manure, but just as in the case of guano, observe single doses, since excessive use of fertilizer entail serious consequences. Most bird droppings shall be composted, as Fresh can easily burn plant roots. In garden centers, you can also buy dried manure each side. Remember that the source of its origin has been verified. The garden is not suitable for bird droppings from large chicken farms, where animals are kept in unnatural conditions, fed with feed containing antibiotics and hormones.
cattle manure - another type of organic fertilizer, made from livestock manure and bedding used in the barns. It is offered in a partly fermented dried pellets, packaged in a small volume bags. Currently used the pre-treatment of fresh manure, which is intended to partially reduce the characteristic odor and activating it contains nutrients that make them more easily digestible for the plant.

Sawdust and bark - these are organic materials, intended to improve soil fertility and structure of soils. Most people are probably known mainly as a material for mulching. Prior to their use as a fertilizer, it is recommended that at least several months of composting to remove resins and phenolic compounds that inhibit growth of cultivated plants. To the compost pile should add about 2 kg of urea per cubic meter of the composting material to stimulate microbial activity and thus shorten the time necessary to obtain full value of the finished product.


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