first Babel construction of the tower
Babel - (Hebrew name of Babylon) - a symbol of arrogant, that knows no moderation of humanity, however, fails to go beyond the limits set by the Creator, God sent down by the confusion of tongues, penalty, finds a positive counterpart in the New Testament Pentecost St. (Pentecost), and associated with the miracle of speaking many languages.
second Babylon ( interesting site )
Babylon - (Babilu = "Gate of God" in the Bible, however, associated with the concept of "confusion") - a town on the Euphrates. Nebuchadnezzar II conquered the Kingdom of Israel and a large proportion of its citizens took to the "Babylonian captivity", hence the negative assessment by the Jews of Babylon, as the antithesis of the heavenly Jerusalem. In Revelation, Babylon is the seat of all the power of anti-Christian, godless place to live and fornication ("sinful Babylon" - a term used today). John describes the vision of "a harlot of Babylon," a woman dressed in scarlet and purple, which holds golden cup in her hand full of dirt, but Babylon is - as defined in the New Testament - identified with the power of Rome as the enemy of Christianity.
third Swamp , marshes ...
Marsh - in Asia often a symbol of peace and contentment. In Sumerian symbol of disordered matter, inaction, women. In ancient Greece, the symbolic importance was the importance of wetlands near the maze. The psychoanalytic interpretation of dreams as we sometimes swamp a symbol of unconscious psyche.
fourth Canopy
canopy - a symbol of dignity, especially the rulers of the East (where most often made of silk). In the architecture of Christian altars, kazalnicami, tombs and statues, symbolic or spiritual meaning raises claims to power of those who provided him stand or sit.
5th Baran
Aries - the symbol of strength. In ancient times one of the most common sacrificial animals. Egyptian creator god Chnuma depicted with the head of a ram. The Greeks and Romans revered the original Egyptian god Amun wind as a form of the supreme God in the form of Zeus-Jupiter-Ammon, the head of a ram. It was also an attribute of Indra and Hermes. In Christianity, the presentation often refers to a ram to sacrifice Isaac as a symbolic sacrificial prefiguracji Christ. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, it's element is fire.
sixth Lamb, sheep ...
Due to its gentleness and patience, and the white color is a symbol of gentleness, innocence and purity. In ancient times, mostly next to the ram made a sacrificial animal, and therefore a symbol of Christ and his sacrificial death. In Christian art the lamb is located among the other sheep, or standing on the side indicates the Lamb of God who bears the sins of the world. Groups of lambs or sheep represent the faithful or the Church Martyrs (Christ appears at the same time as the Good Shepherd). Judgement shall include image of Christ, which separates the sheep from the goats. Sheep is the eighth sign of Chinese Zodiac, it corresponds to the Scorpion.
7th Basilisk
legendary animal that supposedly hatched eggs with deformed snake or toad, or the dung, in the symbolism późnostarożytnej is presented as a snake in the Middle Ages and as a fantastic being mixed (cock tail snake, rooster and hybrid toads, etc.), the basilisk, he also had the strength to kill the breath or gaze. Symbol of death, the devil, the antichrist, or sin; often depicted under the feet of Christ Triumphant.
8th Pheasant
In mythology Chinese symbol of cosmic harmony by virtue of his singing and dancing, his voice and the sound of beating wings associated with lightning and thus to the storm, rain and spring. Pheasant was considered to be associated with the principle of yang. The transformation of the pheasant seasons change into a serpent associated with the rule in, the man in the pheasant. Golden Pheasant in antiquity and the Middle Ages was linked to the phoenix.
9th Without Black (wild)
shrub or tree with white fragrant flowers and black-purple fruit. Already in antiquity prized medicinal plant, was regarded as particularly effective touch this plant, so that the disease was supposed to go on it. In addition, elderberry was used as a protection against sorcerers and witches. Beheading of lilac, as well as burning it was regarded as bringing bad luck or death. Sometimes not been associated with the devil, as explained by the fact that the elder tree was Judas to hang himself. Since the elderberry flowers smell sweet, but its leaves have a bitter taste, so in the Middle Ages saw in it an allegory of Christian (flowers) and Jews (leaves), who come from one root and one stem.
10th Drum
cult frequently used instrument, the rhythmic sound of przyrównywano often, for example, in Buddhism, to the hidden sounds and forces of the cosmos. The drum often, for example, among the peoples of Black Africa, was used for magical summon supernatural powers, in particular the drum of war has remained mostly symbolic in close connection with the lightning and thunder. In China, the sound of the drum combined with the circuit of the sun, and in particular with the winter solstice day and night, ie from the moment the biggest impact in principle, but also the re-ascension of the sun and thereby increasing the impact of re-yang principle.
11th Gemini
twins come in different forms: either with the same gender, form and color, or a clear second dark, one red, the other blue, one with her head turned toward the sky, the second with her head turned toward the ground, etc. The symbol of duality in identity, the internal contradictions of man, as seen from a higher point of view of the unity of day and night, light and darkness, balance and harmony. In the cosmogonic ideas of the various peoples, such as in Indian, we encounter the twins, one of which is good, bad and secondly, a help in the work of civilization, the latter acting destructively. Gemini is the third sign of the Zodiac, in the so-called. astrology assigned to it the element of air.
12th Ivy
Like most evergreen plants, is a symbol of immortality. Invariably green in color, creeping up, "embracing the" nature of this plant make it also a symbol of fidelity and friendship, as it were, resulting for example in ancient Greece it was given oblubieńcom during weddings. Because of the need to rely on something too many times ivy was a female symbol. With this strong green plant in the ancient power of associating vegetative and sensuality, with the result that played a major role in the cult of Dionysus (Bacchus) and as such relatively menady bacchantes, syleni satyrzy and were crowned with ivy, he also graced tyrsy.
13th Lightning
In many cultures, is considered a symbol of divine power - scary or creative. Lightning or thunder in the mythology of many peoples perceptions are causally connected with the highest deity (Jupiter, or Zeus, Indra). In the Bible, often associated with the court and angrily punishing God of fire, lightning and thunder (Elohim). The ancient art of cursing Zeus Lightning may appear as a deity and illuminating fertilizing and punishing. In particular, the East emphasized the relationship of lightning from the storm, and thus its symbolic association with fertility, and therefore it may also be relevant to explicitly phallic. In some parts of Asia and Europe until our own times of lightning składano przejednania for its offering of milk.
14th Stork
The Bible belongs to the creatures unclean, but beyond this widely revered as a symbol of happiness. In the Far East means a long life, because it believes it is there for the long-lived. Often (eg in Egypt, staroż. In the Fathers of the Church) was considered a symbol of gratitude for children because it was thought that bocianiątka feed their parents. As tępiący snakes, was known in Christianity as an enemy of the devil, and thus a symbol of Christ. Because it feeds on animals in the soil (which take the souls of the dead supposedly), it sometimes also considered as a carrier of souls. As a migratory bird returning stork is the symbol of the resurrection, also is thought to bring children (presumably not least because the returns in the period of the awakening of nature). The custom of standing on one leg, though quietly and thoughtfully, made him (especially with marabou) a symbol of philosophical contemplation.
15th Beard
symbol of masculinity and power. A long beard is often a symbol of wisdom. Gods, kings and heroes often depicted with beards (Indra, Zeus, Hephaestus, Poseidon, the God of Jews and Christians). Even the Egyptian władczyniom added beard as a symbol of their power. In the ancient philosophers, rhetors, wore beards as a sign of their dignity. However, Christ until the sixth century often depicted without a beard, as a youngster. In many cultures beards cut off the enemy was considered a grave offense. However, sometimes a sign of mourning men they cut off his chin.
16th Belly
symbol of warmth and maternal care (uterus), but also cruel consume. Belly as the stomach is also a symbolic allusion to the greed and materialistic attitude to life. In the visual arts of Buddhism, primarily in Japan, the naked belly of many male figures (such as the gods of happiness), symbolizes kindness, peace and prosperity (prosperity).
17th Buxus
In antiquity, dedicated to Hades, and Cybele, even today, the dead plant and also a symbol of immortality because it is always green. As the plant membranous and rigid, it is also a symbol of perseverance and endurance, so that its wood was used as material for symbolic hammer Freemasons.
18th But
wearing shoes in ancient times was a privilege and a symbol of free man, because the slaves went barefoot. In addition to the shoe (as a pendant in a sense) is related to the symbolic significance of phallic rates and different harvest and wedding customs, was a symbol of fertility.
19th Taurus
symbol of strength, men's belligerence, because of its activity remains at a symbolic connection with the sun, because na swą płodność również z księżycem (także rogi byka i krowy, ze względu na swój kształt przypominający sierp księżyca, były jego symbolem). Byk był u wielu ludów nader cennym zwierzęciem ofiarnym. Już malowidła skalne z młodszej epoki kamiennej w Afryce Płn. ukazują przedstawienia byków, które między rogami noszą wizerunek słońca. W Egipcie bóg płodności, Apis, był czczony pod postacią byka, często przedstawianego z tarczą słoneczną między rogami; ponieważ utożsamiano go również z Ozyrysem, był zarazem bogiem zmarłych. Śmierć i pogrzeb was announced each time the sacred Apis bull-have always been solemnly celebrated, and ended in "the resurrection" (ie selecting a new bull.) A particularly important role was played by a bull as a symbol of power and fertility in the Minoan culture. In Iranian mythology, is known to include incarnation in the form of cosmic fertility prabyka, who is killed by Mithras, and his body grows all the plants and animals. The sacrifice of a bull and a baptism of blood of the bull in the cult of Mithra (the victim), from which women were excluded, present a constantly repeated attempt to respond to the forces related to the bull fertility, death and resurrection. In India the god Shiva, was in connection with a white bull, a symbol of fertility okiełznanych forces. In the various peoples bull - because of its fertility is - also remained in connection with the storm, rain and water. From the psychoanalytic point of view, the bull forces responsible animal and human sexuality, in this aspect of the bullfight probably even today are still a repeated attempt to anticipate - through living examples - the internal victory over these forces. Taurus is the second sign of the Zodiac; his element is Earth (Minotaur, Ox).
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