( Excerpt - "Ayurveda: Ancient Medicine Far East ', Vasant Lad)
Ayurveda encompasses not only science but also religion and philosophy. Word of religion use within the meaning of faith and indications for the proceedings to such a state, in which opens up the opportunity to learn all aspects of life. In Ayurvedic medicine the whole journey of life is regarded as sacred. The word philosophy means love of truth, and Ayurvedic medicine, it is true Being, pure existence, source of all life. Ayurveda is the science of truth, which expresses itself in life.
All literature is based on Ayurvedic concept of Samkhya, which is the philosophy of creation (the source term are Samkhya two Sanskrit words, "sat" which means "truth" and "khya" - "know"). The reader is asked to open our minds and hearts to welcome Samkhya philosophy, because it has a very close relationship with Ayurveda.
ancient rishis, or being aware of the prophets, they discovered the truth by means of religious practices and indications. Through intense meditation truth manifested in their daily lives. Ayurveda is the science of everyday life, this system of knowledge developed from practical, philosophical and religious illumination (enlightenment) Rishis. This enlightenment was rooted in their understanding of creation. Rishi recognized, have a close relationship between man and the universe, as cosmic energy manifests itself in all beings living and dead. They further submitted that the source of all existence is Cosmic Consciousness, which manifests as masculine and feminine energy - and Szakti Sziva. Rishi Kapila, who realized the Samkhya philosophy of creation, he discovered twenty-four principles, namely the elements of the universe (prakruti, Mahac, ahamkara, five senses, mind, etc.), of which prakruti, namely the ability to create, is the most basic.
Purusha is the energy of male and female prakruti. Purusha is formless, colorless, not to define and does not participate actively in the manifestation of the universe. It is a passive consciousness, deprived of choice.
prakruti has the shape, color and properties. Her consciousness has a choice. It is the Divine Will. The only one who wants to become many. The universe is a child born from the womb prakruti, the Divine Mother.
prakruti has the shape, color and properties. Her consciousness has a choice. It is the Divine Will. The only one who wants to become many. The universe is a child born from the womb prakruti, the Divine Mother.
prakruti creates all the shapes in the universe, while Purusha is the witness of creation. It is the primordial physical energy, with three properties, or gunas, found throughout nature, the whole universe is expanding.
three gunas are: SATV (essence), rajas (movement) and tamas (inertia). They are the basis for all life. Are in equilibrium at prakruti. When this balance is disturbed, it is the interaction of all the gunas, which leads to the evolution of the universe.
prakruti The first manifestation is the Space Intellect. From Mahad is formed Ego (ahamkara). Ego manifests itself in the five senses (tanmatras) and five motor organs, and thus with the help of satvy organic make up the universe. The same ego manifests itself further in the five main elements (bhutas) to create with the help of tamas inorganic universe.
rajas is active vital life force in the body, which pushes both organic and inorganic universe, and in turn to sarva tamas. Thus, SATV and tamas are inactive, potential energies, which need an active, kinetic force rajas. SATV is the creative force potential (Brahma), rajas is a kinetic force protection (Vi-sznu), and tamas is a potential destructive force (Mahesza). Creation (Brahma), Protection (Vishnu) and Destruction (Mahesza) are the three manifestations of the first cosmic soundless sound, Aum, who is constantly working in space. Illustration here shows the manifestation of the universe.
Samkhya - the philosophy of creating
Purusha is the unmanifested, formless, beyond all properties, except the cause and effect, beyond space and time. It is pure existence.
prakruti a creative force in action, the source of the form, a manifestation of the properties and nature.
Mahad is a cosmic intelligence, or Buddhi.
ahamkara is the ego, is the meaning of the phrase 'I am'.
SATV is an aspect of stability and purity, awakening the spirit and light.
rajas is a dynamic movement.
Tamas is still. It is potential energy, inertia is the darkness, ignorance and matter.
Ayurveda is a holistic system of medicine, it is appropriate for In dii, and widely practiced there. The word "Ayurveda" is the term sans- krycki meaning "knowledge of life." "Ayur" means "life" or "life daily", and "veda" is "knowledge." Ayurveda is the first recorded media sem in the Vedas, the oldest surviving literature in the world. This sys tem medicine is used in everyday life in India for over 5000 years.
Ayurveda teaches that man is a microcosm that contains the entire universe . Is a child of cosmic forces originating from the nal environment, the macrocosm. His personal existence is inseparably connected with the whole cosmic manifestation. Ayurvedyczne views on health and illness in a holistic approach taking into account the internal relationship between personality and spirit space, individuality and the Cosmic Consciousness, energy and matter.
According to Ayurvedic science, every human being has the characteristics of biological ne and spiritual instincts: religious, possession, breeding and instinct toward freedom. The basis for meeting these instincts is to sustain noważony, good health. Ayurveda helps to maintain healthy, a patient to regain health. It is a medical and metaphysical healing knowledge of life, the mother of all art therapy. The practice of Ayur-Veda is designed to foster human happiness, health and creative growth.
Studying science Ayurveda allows everyone to absorb the practical knowledge of self-treatment. For a good balance of all the body's energy can be very clearly limit the processes of degeneration and disease. The basic principle of Ayurveda is a science ability of the individual to self-medicate.
Ayurveda, Yoga and tantra are three ancient life skills, practiced in India for centuries. Mention of these sacred books of the Vedas and Upanishads. Yoga is the science of union with the Divine, with Prardą. Tantra is the most direct method of controlling the energy that creates the ultimate union with the Truth. And Ayurveda is the science of life.
purpose of each of these practices is to help man to achieve length ugowieczności, rejuvenation and self-realization. Subject of the practice of yoga and tantra is liberation, although only some who practice yoga can achieve this ultimate goal. But Ayurveda can be used successfully by anyone to attaining health and long gowieczność. The spiritual evolution of man is the foundation of Ayurveda, Double Electricity, yoga - body and Tantra - head. To carry out the practice of yoga and tan try, you must first understand the Ayurvedic.
Thus Ayurveda, Yoga and Tantra create together, mutually dependent, members of the trinity life. None of these practices do not exist alone. Health of body, mind and consciousness depends on the knowledge and practice of their all in everyday life.
Western medicine and Western ways of thinking tend to generalize and classify individuals. For example, in accordance with the western concept of normality, what is common in most people, set a standard. Ayurveda and claims that normality has grow individually, because every human body manifests swój własny, szczególny i żywiołowy temperament i sposób funk cjonowania.
Ayurveda - Yoga and Tantra
purpose of each of these practices is to help man to achieve length ugowieczności, rejuvenation and self-realization. Subject of the practice of yoga and tantra is liberation, although only some who practice yoga can achieve this ultimate goal. But Ayurveda can be used successfully by anyone to attaining health and long gowieczność. The spiritual evolution of man is the foundation of Ayurveda, Double Electricity, yoga - body and Tantra - head. To carry out the practice of yoga and tan try, you must first understand the Ayurvedic.
Thus Ayurveda, Yoga and Tantra create together, mutually dependent, members of the trinity life. None of these practices do not exist alone. Health of body, mind and consciousness depends on the knowledge and practice of their all in everyday life.
Ayurveda and Western mentality
Western medicine and Western ways of thinking tend to generalize and classify individuals. For example, in accordance with the western concept of normality, what is common in most people, set a standard. Ayurveda and claims that normality has grow individually, because every human body manifests swój własny, szczególny i żywiołowy temperament i sposób funk cjonowania.
Na Wschodzie kluczem do zrozumienia jest akceptacja, obserwacja i doświadczenie, na Zachodzie są nim: badanie, analiza i logiczna de dukcja. Zachodnia mentalność generalnie ufa obiektywności, podczas gdy Wschód przykłada większą wagę do subiektywności. Wschodnia nauka uczy wychodzenia poza rozłam między subiektywnością i obiektywnością. Ta różnica w podejściu może wyjaśnić, dlaczego niektórzy Westerners have difficulty in understanding the methodology of Ayurveda. Many of the findings of this introductory text to Ayurveda can cause questions: "How" and "Why?". The author recalls czytelniko wi that on such questions, although inevitable, can not always get the answer . Even in modern Western medicine, some concepts are proven only "tentatively", without fully understanding reasons behind these phenomena. For example, although antibiotics are used to destroy bacteria that produce toxins in the body, there is no satisfactory explanation of how and why these toxins you twarzają of bacteria. In addition, Ayurveda is the science truly holistic, comprehensive, ie, in which the sum of many parts make up truth. Question about the details before reaching a firm view on the whole science, will be proving sterile and unsatisfactory. For to kindly ask the reader to conditionally accepted these findings, that initially may seem insufficiently explained to until he mastered knowledge of Ayurvedic medicine as a whole.
Five Elements and Man
rishis believed that at the beginning of the world existed in nieprzejawionym state of consciousness. With this state of unified consciousness manifested in subtle vibrations cosmic soundless sound aum. With the vibration first appeared element of ether. Then the element of ether began to move and his subtle movement created air, which is ether in action. Traffic light generated friction, and it in turn caused heat. Heat energy of the molecule to form a link between a strong light, and this is manifested light the fire element.
ether thus manifested itself in the form of air and this was the ether, which later manifested itself as a fire. Under the heat of the fire melted some elements of oils and skropliły, manifesting the element of water, and solid, to form molecules of the earth. In this way, the ether was expressed in the form of four elements: air, fire, water and land.
the earth were created all living organisms, including the kingdom of plants such as herbs and cereals, and the animal kingdom, including man. The earth also contains inorganic substances, which make up the kingdom of minerals. Thus, from the womb of the five elements, all matter was born.
These five basic elements include all forms of matter. A classic example is water: the solid form of ice, and it is manifested rule the earth. Latent heat (fire) in the ice melted it, manifesting the principle of water. And finally converted into steam, expressing the principle of air. Couple disappears in the ether or space. So the five basic elements: ether, air, fire, water and earth is present in one substance. They all developed in the energy derived from the Cosmic Consciousness. All are located in all matter in the universe. Thus energy and matter are the same.
HOW A MAN Microcosm
Man is a microcosm of nature and therefore the five basic elements present in all matter also exists in each individual. The human body has many empty spaces, which are manifestations of the element of ether. These spaces are, for example in the mouth, nose, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory gastrointestinal, stomach, chest, blood vessels, lymphatic tissues and cells.
spaces called air traffic and is the second component of cosmic , an element of movement. Inside the human body manifests the air the major muscle movements, heart beats, the contraction and relaxation of the lung and in motion (appendix) wall of the stomach and intestines. Under the microscope you can see that even a single cell is moving. The response to stimulation of the centripetal and centrifugal movement of nerve impulses, which are sensory and motor movements. All movements of the central nervous system are controlled by the flesh air.
Water is the fourth important element in the body. It manifests itself secretion of digestive juices and the salivary glands in the membrane membranes, the plasma and the cytoplasm. Water is absolutely not superfluous to the functioning of tissues, organs and various systems in or ganizmie. For example, the dehydration caused by diarrhea and vomiting Tami must be treated immediately to save the life of the patient. Since : en element is so necessary, water is called water carnal life.
Earth is the fifth and final element of the cosmos, which is present also in the microcosm. Life is possible on this planet, the earth Invalid sustains all living beings and inanimate substances on its solid surface. The solid body structure, such as bone, cartilage, nails, muscles, tendons, skin and hair, come from the earth.
spaces called air traffic and is the second component of cosmic , an element of movement. Inside the human body manifests the air the major muscle movements, heart beats, the contraction and relaxation of the lung and in motion (appendix) wall of the stomach and intestines. Under the microscope you can see that even a single cell is moving. The response to stimulation of the centripetal and centrifugal movement of nerve impulses, which are sensory and motor movements. All movements of the central nervous system are controlled by the flesh air.
third element is fire. The source of fire and light in the solar system is the sun. The human body is a source of ignition metabolism. Fire works in the digestive system, the gray cells of the brain and manifests as intelligence. Fire also stimulates the retina of the eye that receives light. Thus, body temperature, digestion, mental processes and bodily functions are seeing the fire. The whole process of metabolism and enzyme systems are controlled by the very elements.
Earth is the fifth and final element of the cosmos, which is present also in the microcosm. Life is possible on this planet, the earth Invalid sustains all living beings and inanimate substances on its solid surface. The solid body structure, such as bone, cartilage, nails, muscles, tendons, skin and hair, come from the earth.
five elements manifest in the functioning of the five senses human rights, as well as in certain features of its physiology. So Dięć elements has a direct relationship with the capacity for perception the external environment in which man lives. Through the senses are also associated with the five actions to express the functions or ganów sense.
basic elements - ether, air, fire, water and soil are relationship of hearing, touch, vision , taste and smell. Ether is the hub through which sound is transmitted. Thus the essential element is associated with the function of hearing. Ear, ear authority, expresses the action by body language that creates a substantial human sounds.
air is related to the sense of touch, a sensuous body touch is the skin. The body of the sense of touch is the hand. Leather hand is particularly sensitive, and the hand is responsible for the action: hold, giving and receiving.
fire, which manifests itself as light, heat and color, has to do with vision. Eye, eye body, governs the operation of walking and has to do with feet. Blind man can not walk, but walking is not such a specific direction. The direction of walking fit eyes.
basic elements - ether, air, fire, water and soil are relationship of hearing, touch, vision , taste and smell. Ether is the hub through which sound is transmitted. Thus the essential element is associated with the function of hearing. Ear, ear authority, expresses the action by body language that creates a substantial human sounds.
air is related to the sense of touch, a sensuous body touch is the skin. The body of the sense of touch is the hand. Leather hand is particularly sensitive, and the hand is responsible for the action: hold, giving and receiving.
fire, which manifests itself as light, heat and color, has to do with vision. Eye, eye body, governs the operation of walking and has to do with feet. Blind man can not walk, but walking is not such a specific direction. The direction of walking fit eyes.
Five Elements, the sense organs and their activity
1) ether;
2) air;
3) fire;
4) water;
5) land.
Ad 1) The hearing;
Ad 2) touch;
Ad 3) vision;
Ad 4) flavor;
Ad5) smell.
Sensual Body:
Ad 1) ear;
Ad 2) leather;
Ad 3) eyes;
Ad 4) language;
Ad 5) nose.
Ad 1) question;
Ad 2) capture;
Ad 3) walking;
Ad 4) fruitful;
Ad-5) secretion.
Action Authority:
Ad 1) The organs of speech;
Ad 2) hand;
Ad 3) rate;
Ad 4) genitals;
Ad 5) rectum.
Water has a relationship with body taste. Without water, language can not feel lard. S'cisły language is linked to exposure to sexually bodies benefits (penis and clitoris). In Ayurvedic medicine penis and clitoris is treated as a lower language, while language in the mouth is the language of higher education. person who dominates the higher language, freely also controls the language independent lower.
earth element is associated with the sense of smell. The nose, body sensual smell, no functional connection with the operation of the rectum, excretion. This relationship is expressed in a person who has constipation or unclean colon. At that time she has bad breath, and her sense of the wonienia is dull.
Ayurveda treats the human body and its sensory experience as manifestation of cosmic energy, in terms of five basic elements . The ancient rishis believed that elements drawn from the pure consciousness Space. The aim of Ayurveda is to enable each bring his body to a state of perfect harmony with this the World sage.
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