Monday, April 18, 2011

How To Speed Up Your First Period


"The Birth of Freedom"

(from the book Leo Treppa - "Jews: Nation , History, Religion )

Pesach, the holiday spring, is celebrated one month after Purim. It symbolizes the rebirth of nature, its vital force and awakened hope. In Israel it is a time of grain maturation and early harvesting. From ancient times was attributed to this very important celebration, organized the celebrations of this occasion, happily brought to yield to their homes. Rejoiced, both farmers and shepherds, counting the blessings for their flocks. Passover is a holiday so the origin of nature, appreciation for the earth and its fruits, but the Torah has given him a deeper significance: for the Jews is primarily a celebration of freedom, commemorating the liberation from Egyptian slavery. Servant of Egypt has changed in Israel, the servant of God.

Pesach therefore reveals God as the Lord's nature and history. Humanity does not become free until you will be able to freely dispose of the gifts of nature, which God gives us. Freedom and commitment to freedom - that's the core message of this feast. As the Talmud says, during the Passover is the man of the court, designed to yield allocation, so you should act like that would be worthy of a good harvest. In the tradition of the Jewish Passover is considered the most important holiday, and liberation from slavery in Egypt as the most important event in the history of the nation. The Ten Commandments God is presented as the Lord, who "brought you out of Egypt." Mention of the incident, also in all the daily prayers. The liberation from slavery in Egypt revealed God as Lord of history, which made the people of Israel and his companion gave him a freedom that, in the same way that it can liberate other people.

"alien who is settled among you , will be regarded as a citizen. You will love him as yourself, because you were strangers in the land of Egypt. I am the Lord your God! " (Lev. 19:34).

man too easily forgets the old misery. Who once was poor, and now made his wealth, he wants to let go of the past and think of their poverty only about himself. In the face of God, however, so do not be. Thus, the feast of the liberation and happiness of the harvested Jew is not allowed to enjoy the delicious pastries. must settle for a matzah, unleavened roti similar to those of his brothers ate in Egypt, where the slave work were not enough time to bake real bread.

Maca is so the bread of poverty, but also freedom:

"of the dough, which brought out of Egypt, they baked unleavened cakes, because it was not leavened . Banished from Egypt without the slightest delay, failed to prepare the inventory, even on the road ... " (Exodus 12.39).

memory of slavery is an incentive to fight for freedom. Jewish philosopher Philo of Alexandria (20/25 BC - 50/54 AD) believed matzah as a symbol of purity. This unleavened cake consists of only flour and water, so quickly bakes a cake as it can not grow, it looks like a white biscuit. Adding to the spice is prohibited. Thus, even a rich man can not enjoy the luxury of Passover, for which sometimes could not afford. Must eat the bread which they eat other, so you learn selflessness, loving others and caring about their welfare.

To prepare to celebrate, you must first remove from the house all leavened products (in Hebrew: chametz), or bread, pastries, potato flour-containing products, or ethyl alcohol. Please carefully remove even the slightest traces of this kind of food. Because of this prohibition did spring up in Jewish homes a thorough cleaning. In the Middle Ages, when the surrounding farms nawarstwiał dirt, becoming a breeding ground for germs, the habit of regular spring cleaning undoubtedly contributed to the fact that Jews lived much healthier.

The day before Pesach "should be in light of a candle to look for chametz" (Pesachim 1, 1). This is a custom practiced today. Family arranges a merry search the entire house, children are remnants of pickled products that have been left just so that they can retrieve them. They are so happy that they can take part in the Christmas preparations, and also learn to understand the meaning of the whole ceremony. Because the vessels from which you use every day shows signs of "leavened" Orthodox Jews use the special Passover service and cutlery, designed only for this occasion.

spiritual message of Passover is so important for all devotees, including children, that the mere removal of chametz and Friday prayers in the synagogue did not suffice to pass them to the fullest.

"When the son asked in the future: What it means - you respond to it (...) " (Exodus 13:14).

It is therefore important to celebrate Passover with family, especially during the festive meal, the banquet of the Lord, "in honor of God. This tradition comes from the accumulation of family time before the Exodus from Egypt (Exodus 12.1 - 14), when God clears houses of the Israelites by sending plagues on the Egyptians only. Hence comes the name Passover: " jump, bypassing " . Since then, the order applies to that day in perpetuity to accumulate in the family circle. The transfers of biblical knowledge that in the era of the Temple in Jerusalem were sacrificed afternoon lamb, whose family ate meat for dinner. The custom of sacrifices in Judaism was lost long ago, but for today, the Jewish holiday tradition of tanning solemn supper (in Hebrew Seder , literally "order") and celebrating at the table, a prayer ceremony in accordance with the instructions outlined in the Mishnah (Pesachim) .

symbols on the table

to all inmates, especially children, realize the meaning of Passover, uses the following symbols:

1) on the table before each Covered book is the story of Passover in the form of stories settled by rabbinical sages. It is called the Haggadah, or "story".

2) standing next cup. During the meal, each filled with wine cup four times, as in the Book of Exodus (6,6-7) God promises to Israel four times liberation. Here's one of God's promises: "will free you from the Egyptians and will save you out of bondage and deliverance you (...). And I will take you for my people " .

3) additional cup faces leading a Seder. It symbolizes the promise of a fifth - the ultimate salvation of all mankind. And because according to tradition has a herald of the Messiah to be the prophet Elijah (Ma 3,22-24), the cup is called Elijah's cup. None of it does not drink, it is only a sign of the reminder, "the memory of the Torah." Hopes for a quick advent of the Messianic era, and peace throughout the world. So again, the past is linked with the future.

4) central place on the table, take three to a plate lined with mace sederowym. They are placed one upon the other and covered with a linen napkin. They symbolize the division of society into priests and Levites and the people of Israel. The survivors were captured, all three states, so all must be mindful of the symbolic message of matzo.

5) piece of rump roast on the grill like a lamb made earlier in sacrifice to celebrate the spring festival. The victim was an expression of joy from the gifts of nature, and specifically thank the shepherd, who saw his flock grow. At the same time signified the absolute dedication, which was its proper sense. Meat, however, is not it, because it has expired the custom of sacrifice.

6) addition of meat is an egg, a sign of the awakening of nature. It is also not consumed.

7) addition, the table sets up a plate of greens (such as parsley) and the goblet with the salted water. Beauty nature was in captivity, mingled with bitter tears, weary workers, with the help of God took on the light when the Israelites were able to move on dry land salty-sweet Red Sea.

8) The symbolic dishes need to find a bitter herbs (in Hebrew: maror ), among others horseradish, reminiscent of the bitterness of slavery, in a separate bowl mix brown nuts, apples, wine and cinnamon ( charoset ), the symbol of clay from which Jews lepili bricks at construction sites Pharaoh.


Like other holidays, when candles are lit Passover. Family members comfort rozsiadają on chairs. Over each cup of wine is refused Kiddush ("sanctification"). Then, parsley dipped in salt water and distributes to all as a sign of prosperity, because in times of meals always start with an aperitif. These symbolic actions also evoke the image of spring and salvation, while memories of captivity (Fresh green earth redeemed and tears).

Taking Seder breaks the middle matzah in half, leaving one half for later, like the poor man leaves a portion of bread for the next meal. The second half puts up high, showing the family:

"This is the bread of poverty which our ancestors ate in Egypt. Every hungry, and they let him come with us, every poor man let him come and celebrate with us Pesach " , so that by this attitude spreading habit fraternal hospitality. "This year we are here next year in the land of Israel, this year we are slaves, next year will be a nation of liberty" .

The child asks questions about the holidays: what's the difference this night from all others? Why do we eat today, and bitter herbs, mace, why we are plunged in spices and herbs, why sit in a nice family get-togethers? After these questions, the story proper begins with the departure from Egyptian slavery. Past be resurrected in the form of a relationship that leads Seder briefly interrupts, providing instruction on adult offspring. Well, there are four types of children: the wise, wicked, innocent and yet nieumiejące ask questions. Each explanation should be given according to his character and ability: the past will make more sense, and the tradition will survive in the future. After the father of the family take note once again the story about saving Jews by God in ancient times and ends the first part of a prayer of thanksgiving. Online praise the Lord for help in the past, and drink the wine of the re- filled the cup.

At this point, asserts its right present. It is therefore necessary, and given to inmates break matzah to eat, and then taste the bitter herbs soaked in a sweet mix charoset . According to the custom established by Rabbi Hillel prepares a sandwich with matzah and bitter herbs, which is an occasion to recall the teachings of this sage. In his view, the essence of the Torah was the message of love of neighbor, and this is also meaning of Christmas is celebrated. At this point begins with a joyful, festive meal. At the end of revelers eat a hook to the side before the second half of matzoh, called Afikoman , symbolizing the ancient Pesach lamb. Before that, children have a right to steal it, perhaps it would not have bored at the table, and maybe it is show that the next generation takes its message with them. The return of the matzo, the children receive sweets or small salary. after praying the household of thanksgiving for the meal drink a third cup of gratitude for various gifts which God gives us in this life.

then thoughts turn to the future toward the task that remains to be done. Opens the door to welcome Elijah home. This symbolic gesture demonstrates faith in the ultimate victory of good. In the Middle Ages repeal the door was still a grim reason. The Jews looked outside to see if there is not lurking in a wicked evil intentions. Often they were accused of that, during the Seder ritual use for the blood of Christ. (This was the same as slander, as a result which suffered the first Christians. Pagans puzzled them about the use of blood during a mass non-Christians, because they did not understand the meaning of the Eucharist. Ironically the same slander Christians later directed against the Jews. Heinrich Heine described an incident in the story Der Rabbi von Bacharach) . Then the operator asks the Seder with songs, praise, and even riddles to the children, who hope for the future. For their well-leaning fourth cup. The ceremony ends with a wish:

"Next year in Jerusalem."

In times of oppression of the Jews in Russia, was placed on the plate the fourth matzah, praying for deliverance.

Omer Counting

From the second night of Pesach begins countdown 49 days to Shavuot, Shavuot. This is called the counting of the Omer. In ancient times meant omer sheaf. Counting of the Omer recalls that freedom is not treated as exempt from the ordinances, but as a way leading to the voluntary commitment, which teaches Shavuot, the day of the revelation of the Torah. This science is gaining in importance in our times, especially among those people and nations who seek what is true for the "freedom" by fighting social injustice, but are not willing to take on serious commitments. But freedom without responsibility leads to nihilism. And this takes us to realize the treatment of the Omer.

Passover feast lasts eight days (from 15 to 22 of the month Nisan). The first and last are very important public holidays. Then be read from the Torah story of the departure from Egyptian slavery. During the Sabbath of the week pesachowym faithful to listen to the speaker's part of God's mercy.

"Yahweh, Yahweh, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but not without punishment (... ) " - (Exodus 34: 6-7).

If we obey God, that we can establish freedom in the world. But whether the lost, demoralized and spiritually dead humanity in general, there is hope? Haftorah (reading from the books of the Prophets) respond, citing the visions of Ezekiel a valley full of human bones (37, 1-14): soon will be wrapped in the Spirit of God, rise again to life. And the same is true with humanity, which can revive the spirit of renewal, of liberation from spiritual bondage and deliverance from death, if only it ready and allow God to fill it with your breath.

Haftorah last day of Pesach (Isaiah 10.32, 12.6), as well as the final part of the seder, it introduces us into the distant future of happy, happy, when the wolf shall dwell beside the lamb, and the people will say:

" I praise you, Lord, because rozgniewałeś on me, but thy wrath is turned away and pocieszyłeś me! "Behold, God is my salvation! I will trust and not be afraid, because my strength and my song is the Lord and He is become my salvation! (Isaiah 12:1-2).

This verse is refused every week during the Havdalah ceremony, ending the Sabbath rest before the person will be responsible for the hardships the coming week.

The Passover holiday is read the Song of Songs. In Jewish tradition, it symbolizes the eternal love of God, visible both in nature and in His relation to Israel. From the third day of Pesach is recited only half of the psalms of praise (113-118), it is necessary to restrain the joy of suffering for the sake of Egyptians. Rabbinic sages teach that the angels wanted to sing the national anthem during the sinking of troops of Pharaoh in the Red Sea, the Lord said to them: "The works of my hands were drowned in the sea, and you sposobicie to songs?" (Sanhedrin 39b).

days counting the Omer period are considered półżałobny, so Orthodox Jews do not contain the time of marriage. Legend says that at that time had died due to plague students of Rabbi Akiva , and it is because they initiated feuds among themselves, which weighed more in God rather than their all knowledge. It is a time when, during the First Crusade (1096-1099) made the mass murder of Jews in Germany. At this time coincided with the anniversary of the Warsaw ghetto uprising . While mourning the discussion back to the thought of all those events, to serve as a warning.


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