mBank started its activities in November 2000 - the first electronic bank in Poland - pompously called the Internet. Personally, I have account with them since the beginning of (their, not my own) and to be honest, that apart from interest on deposits miserable, all the rest, including eMaklerem, completely me and enough. Today, the ether was released, an interesting message, which may be the first step leading to major changes in the bank.
on your blog mBank announces the launch on May 16 the possibility of making deposits and withdrawals of money in institutions MultiBank (his brother from the great family of the BRE). All the action takes place during the pilot program, and at the moment relates only 4 MultiBank in Lodz. A limitation is the amount on which these operations can be realized: from 10,000 PLN (payment) / 20,000 PLN (payment), from € 500, from $ 500. It should also be aware that such "pleasure" one-off costs 9 PLN .
It seems that slowly begins to test mBank variant of "marbled". Is this was also the beginning of the end mBank've ever heard?
Details of the new service: > click \u0026lt;
Details of the new service: > click \u0026lt;
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