Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Can I Still Be Preg With Dry Cm

From Conciliarism to the Enlightenment: An outline of Polish philosophy in a few examples ...

XIV century

James of Paradyż (ca. 1380-1464)

He was a student of Benedict Hesse . He wrote works of ascetic, dogmatic, canonical or moral. He was a strong supporter of Conciliarism . The eminent scholar of Scripture. He was also a supporter of the unity of the threatened collapse of European Christendom. " Upominały about the culture and religions of the Polish and German. He was a renewal of the Church, for the opposite of global life. He stressed role and working order. He criticized the so-called hypocrisy. "Swietoszkow.

fourteen-century Via Moderna, rejected the sum of the Holy. Thomas and Duns Scotus. Rapid and skeptical thought, pragmatism and interest in ethics. Wyrazicielką this was a school in Krakow. Opposite her was in turn Via Antiqua (the second half of the fifteenth century, the Jagiellonian University old scholasticism triumphed again), proclaiming that ethics is not geared to practice, but to get to know. The conduct consisted of an science as monastyka, economics, politics. In each individual need to consider the truth.

of Jaslo Bartholomew (c. 1360-1407)

Works: Ad celebrantes miss "," Tractatus de ignorantia "Glossa de" Nicomachean Ethics "; Glossa the "Sentences" Lombard. He wrote works of promotional lectures. He preached augustianizm XIV century with the release of Thomas of Strasbourg, Henry of Ghent, Giles Roman . Also quoted Thomas Aquinas. His views might be called "ethical intellectualism" because it insisted on morality. He initiated the renewal of the Jagiellonian University, supposedly to disperse the clouds of ignorance and stupidity. Peasants should be freed from the bondage of serfdom, nobility should be educated, the ruler should listen only to trained counselors, administrators - to his views. Learning should be accessible to all (not only for the privileged). Knowledge is a necessary condition for ethical life. Ethics uses monastyką (who learns to live honestly regard himself) and economy (because it forbids the other to do evil). Politics and teaches everyone to cast, what he deserves! Good people have to create a good system.

Luke Kozmin the Great (c. 1370 - 1412)

Work: "Gniezno Sermons" (1410) - they are considered second, after "preaching of the Holy Cross" , the oldest monument of Polish literature. Luke with WK for example, put the princes of Wladyslaw Jagiello. By wisdom. it should not only learn, but love.

John of Kluczbork (ca. 1370 - 1436)

Works, "the Letters of St. Principium. Paul"; "Principium the Book of Sentences and Lombard; Commentary "Analyst secondary" Aristotle Commentary on "Policies" of Aristotle. represented the views of moderate nominalism school buridanowskiej , as evidenced by his comments. He preached that man can not know the nature of God. The sentence "God exists" is self-evident, at least for the wise. The ruler should be good, just, love peace and defend the oppressed.

fifteenth century

philosophical tendencies in Poland: the naturalistic and rationalistic, attempts to separate orders of philosophy and theology. Antyspekulatywne attitude masters of Krakow, pragmatic approach to the objectives of science and knowledge. Played an important role too - pragmatism. He spoke in the valorization of the social sciences, the dominance ethics. In place of the degraded placed in metaphysics - physics. Appear The first threads of humanistic philosophy. Focusing on the issue of human rights.

Matthew of Krakow (ca. 1335-1410)

work: "Rationaleoperum divinorum sive quod Deus fecit omnia bene." One of the main representatives of the Via Moderna Poland. No time for theological problems of the Church. Christian is ever subjected to the power of the Church, but it is the carrier of this authority. Church therefore is a community of believers! He also said that the pope is not too clever or good will. It is fallacious, as any man. Is the head of the Church, but only figuratively. The church does not have two rulers in fact, only one - Christ. The Pope is therefore accountable to the Church, like each of us. Without it, would be nothing. There must be a community. Matthew was inspired by Plato, Aristotle, but ockhamowskim nominalism. He was so Polish Scholasticus and koncyliarystą.

John of folks (ca. 1400-1460)

Work: De laudibus et eloquentiae Dignitatem "(" Praise the pronunciation "). He was the Polish humanist. Alluded to by Cicero, Seneca, Aristotle and Plutarch. Praised the ideals of the humanities. He gave his time speech on behalf of the University, says in her on two foundations of the reform of the Church: 1) work should be preferred over inaction of contemplation, a general obligation to work (in fact arrest alleged clergy subduing the earth-treated .) Inactivity and idleness is the cause of theft, uncleanness. It is therefore necessary to change attitude of the clergy to the realities. 2) Family Life - called for the liquidation of celibacy, because the church undercuts the foundation "on which he should be encouraged." Nature has created a free, after all.

Jędrzej Knob of Dobczyna (ca. 1400-1451)

Works: "Treaty on the donation (donation), Constantine; "Song of Wiklefie." The first critic of the Church. Starts black thought and the history of that church. He believed that the king has the right to interfere in the affairs of the Church to receive the lands that were wrongfully removed. Interest of a sovereign state requires that the Church respect the right of the state. It is not good when you develop only one social stratum and dominated by or dominates the others. King may pick up these goods, which the Church has a surplus. It is - according Jędrzej - the role of the sovereign ruler of the kingdom!

Ostroróg John (c. 1436-1501)

Work: "Diary of a repair of the Republic." He wanted to strengthen the royal authority, and therefore it had to escape from papal authority (ecclesiastical). The monarch under any circumstances, should not anyone, especially the Pope, made an oath of obedience, because the king is the ruler of a sovereign Polish. Should cease submitting charges to Rome. This king is not right. That the clergy, with their estates, should pay taxes to the state treasury. Jan Ostroróg sharply criticized the selling of indulgences. Should to control the wealth of religious orders and their degree of Germanization. Demanded the introduction of a uniform law irrespective of social status. He co- so. moral philosophy.

sixteenth century

were formed when a number of commemorative speech, treaties, letters with a view to a wider audience, eg for students and visitors from Italy. Works initiated the discussion on the liberal arts. This contributed to the change strengthened the views and humanistic studies in Poland (Masters humanitas). Summer 50 ', 60' and 70 'is a sixteenth century opposition to scholastic thought. Then the debate was fought on the active and contemplative life. The most outstanding representatives of this era are: Nicholas Groasinus, Simon Marycjusz from Pilsen, Wojciech Nowopolczyk and John from Trzciana.

Simon Marycjusz of Pilsen (1516 - 1574)

Work: "The schools or academies of two books." He has cultivated the notion of utility and importance of education and school presented the measures which can be remedied by the collapse of the importance of schools in Poland. Especially appreciated the work with youth. Education is a treasure of the nation - he would say. Better educated people, smarter laws. He was for educating advisers rulers. He who has no education, it has no spiritual needs. Thinking about the knowledge you need to forget the partying. Please find the correct proportions for him and did not waste any time. The best regime is a monarchy, but the state is not owned by the ruler. He must govern with the natural law, because people can pronounce his obedience. Barriers to education include: laziness and indifference of the clergy of the nobility.

Wojciech Nowopolczyk (ca. 1504-1559)

his ideal of the contemplative life had nothing to do with monostacyzmem or rejection of the outside world.

with Trzciana John (1510 -1567)

Work: "On the Nature and the dignity of man." Introduced the concept of reality with the patristic tradition, but as one of the first, with emphasis on extraordinary position of man in the universe, as a firm in the whole of nature, the only rightful administrator of the world and the greatest work of God. In his writings he referred to Aristotle, St. Augustine, Saint. Ambrose. The dignity of human nature, which should be developed. He had a very optimistic approach. As well as his esteemed champions, did not reject the contemplative mind, rhetorical, but it also put on a pedestal in the educational process.

Nicolaus Copernicus (1473 - 1543)

Work: "On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres." In his view, the task of philosophy is to look in every area of \u200b\u200btruth based on reason, independent from the opinion of the public. Copernicus rejected the guiding principle of Aristotle, in explaining the dynamics of motion of earthly and heavenly bodies. He believed that body movement can exist without the constant physical contact with the cause of the movement. Also rejected the Aristotelian theory of ghosts poruszycieli, believed that the heavenly bodies received at the beginning of a world power, and therefore move permanent, continuous motion. Applied the principle of relativity of motion, testimony of the senses can be fooled. Although it rotates in a circle of natural philosophy, humanities and writing the language was very well-read in the classics. Some are associated with neoplatonikami Copernicus, but it is not proven. The biggest influence on the views of Copernicus had studied in Krakow. Attempted secularization of ethics. He was also of the opinion that the cause of the fall of countries is: discord, mortality, soil sterilization, spoiling the coin.

Stanislaw Orzechowski (1513 - 1566)

Work: " dialogue or conversation about execution proceeding Polish Crown." political opponent Modrzewskiego (about which I wrote HERE.) He was conservative, even sanctioned slavery. The man on his failures as a result formed a society on the state they are born. According to him, the ordering of the Republic does not need repair, because freedom is God's gift of nobility. You share into three parts: the office (power), clergy (sovereignty) and the quest for salvation through the Catholic society. The highest authority is to have a primate, the role of the king is to be limited only to the extermination of heretics. Justified the state of inequality, since the lower states should not act as state offices.

End of Part One


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