Saturday, April 16, 2011

Congratulations Phrases For The Coming Wedding

Myths, topoi, Archetypes and Tombs Mykeńkie ... Handful Knowledge of Ancient Greece!

(On the pic. aigis Athens)

attitudinal archetypes are myths:

Daedalus - a model of human prudent, serious and experienced. Realist. Inventor. Embodies the longing for the homeland, desire for independence.

Icarus - a man breaking the limits for a high price - on the one hand, reckless man, easily the intoxicating freedom - on the other.

Oedipus - myth symbolizing the perversity fate, a tragic irony. The myth of killing his father and married his mother - without knowing it.

Herakles - the eternal symbol of the power of dreams, dreams of a man to be strong and noble as gods.

Cassandra - archetype bad prophetess, heralding disaster and misfortune.

Niobe - the archetype of the suffering mother. Niobe, Tantalus proud of his wife of seven sons and seven daughters, killing all the gods her children. (Parandowski for the first mater dolorosa recognizes Demeter, when she suffered after losing her daughter to such a degree that has become a beggar.)

Orpheus - the divine musician and faithful husband who, after his wife went down to Tartarus, where Hades shrugged his singing, the archetype of a virtuoso, an artist, a master, ready to sacrifice everything to save his wife.

Prometheus - the archetype of the rebel benefactor altruistic. Christ was also called Prometheus, because, being God, sacrificed his life for love to the people.

Sisyphus - the archetype of a man whose hard and exhausting work did not bring any results, it is fruitless.

Narcissus - mythological beau, who fell in love with own reflection and was turned into a flower, the archetype of man in love with each other, egosity, focused only on our own needs.

Pygmalion - the mythical sculptor who fell in love with his work (Galatea) and boosted it by the power of love, the archetype of the artist posing extraordinary things, in love in his work.

Penelope - wife of Odysseus, waiting for him for a long time, the archetype of a faithful wife, waiting tirelessly for her husband.

(On the pic. A hypothetical representations of Atlantis! )
mythological topoi are
Chaos - disorder, confusion, a huge mess.

Olympus - the place for a selected elite.

Parnas - in mythology, the seat of the muses, is established artists.

Labyrinth - in mythology, Daedalus building, the seat of the Minotaur, the present time: the place from which you can not get out.

Hades - the underworld (land of the dead).

Tartarus - hell, the damned.

Elysian Fields, the Fortunate Isles - paradise, a land of happiness.

Arcadia - a land of ancient Greece in the middle of the Peloponnese, mountainous and covered with forests, inhabited by poor and primitive shepherds. In antiquity was regarded as a land of pastoral simplicity and happiness, the kind of paradise, a land of eternal childhood, where there is goodness and love.

(For pictures. Artemis in the hunt;)

Wikimedia Foundation drawn from the myths

Wikimedia Foundation, which are rooted in mythology, is known as mitologizmów .

fantastical mood (character) - capricious, whimsical, bizarre, accompanied by frills, sulks, pout, the Chimera, a mythical monster with a lion's head, goat body and a snake instead of the tail, gaped Chimera fire.

Draconian law (sanctions, regulations, orders) - raw, ruthless, harsh, cruel, from the name of the Athenian legislator Drakona whose law (c. 621 BC), bringing to an exceptional severe penalties.

apple of discord - a source of conflicts, wars, disputes, from apple with the inscription for the most beautiful that the goddess Eris threw dissension between Aphrodite, Hera and Athena.

Trojan- prey that brings destruction, sinister gift, from the wooden horse, which in the tenth year of the war took the Trojans from the Greeks, in the sculpture of the Greek was the military, decided to trick the Greeks their victory and the fate of Troy.

Dejaniry shirt (garment, dress) - something which makes the greatest suffering, the torment from which there is no escape in my life, see the myth of Heraklesie.

Land shadows - the world of the dead, the unseen shadows, dark events, from the mysterious depths of Tartarus, the land ruled by Hades.

Tantalus Passion - the suffering resulting from the nagging desire things that are up close, on view in abundance, but inaccessible, from the name lidyjskiego king, father of Niobe and Pelops, who after the death of Tartarus stood in the river, and the fruit tree, but he could not drink or eat, which he suffered tortures.

Ariadne thread - kind of guideline, as wybrnięcia of hopelessly intricate situation, the myth of Theseus, when the thread of the hero, the goddess of love with the hero helped to get out of the maze.

Olympic calm - control your emotions, stop arguing, come from breaking the habit of fighting in czas igrzysk olimpijskich.

Paniczny strach – nagły, niepohamowany, często nieuzasadniony strach, przerażenie, popłoch, zazwyczaj ogarniający większą liczbę ludzi; od Pana – bożka pasterzy i trzód w górach i lasach, którego przeraźliwy głos (np. gdy ścigał nimfy) budził lęk.

Pępek świata – najważniejsza osoba, rzecz, wydarzenie, miejsce; według wierzeń greckich świątynia w Delfach miała być ośrodkiem, pępkiem świata.

Achilles' heel - someone's weakness, Achilles as a baby was bathed in the waters of the Styx to gain immortality. His mother Thetis held the boy's heel, in which Achilles was struck and killed an arrow of Paris.

Transfer the Champs Elysees - means die; it was a mythical place to stay blessed souls of the dead; Elysian shadows - spirits of the dead living in Elysium

Return to Ithaca - return to home country, often in spite of the growing nostalgia wanderer, marked by adventure, the journey of Odysseus.

Pandora's box - something that causes a lot of unforeseen difficulties, the source of endless sorrow, trouble, unhappiness, comes from - see section 4 (the myth of Prometheus).

Pyrrhic victory - achieved at the expense of excess, from the name of Pyrrhus, who conquering Romans in 279 BC in Asculum suffered huge losses of life and matter. Has a similar meaning kadmejskie victory - the winner will also unfortunate, and for the vanquished, the internecine struggle between Thebes and Eteoklesem Polinejkesa (Thebes is a former Kadmea from zinc ore deposits).

Cornucopia - a source of everything that is a dream, from the corner of goats Almatei, karmicielki Zeus. The king of the gods blessed the broken horn and the pet he now fills a corner holder according to your request.

Stable Augeas - case, the neglected, run-down, weed, in disorder, turmoil, fornication or moral filth that needs to be a superhuman effort to clean up, from the myth of Heraklesie - the sixth of his twelve labors.

Sisyphean task - requiring continuous and often fruitless efforts, toil hard and pointless, from Sisyphus, founder and king of the city Eryfy (later Corinth). For her many transgressions, after death, Sisyphus rolled on top of the mountain heavy boulder of Tartarus, which is still falling.

Titanic effort (work) - a huge, colossal, gigantic, from the name of a powerful tribe of the gods, zepchniętego to Tartarus.

Cut the Gordian knot - a complicated matter to decide on a radical, bold, resolute, simple, from the node in the chariot in the city of Gordion (the capital of Phrygia), ktrego solution was to give control over Asia Minor. Alexander the Great cut the knot with the sword in 334 BC

waters of Lethe - giving oblivion, from Lethe, the river of forgetfulness in Hades, after drinking water from this river of forgetting the human soul history of earthly life. The same etymology of the word lethargy - sleep, apparent death.

Delphic Oracle - something prophetic, wróżbiarskiego, enigmatic, equivocal, ambiguous.

Pythia - the person in, speaking in an ambiguous, unclear, confusing, the Pythia - the priestess and prophetess of Apollo at Delphi. Intoxicated by the fumes from the rock She has given unintelligible fragments of sentences, which the priest-prophet arranged in hexameters.

(On the pic. - Knossos )

Mycenaean tombs

characteristic of the architecture of Mycenaean type of funerary structures. The point here is all about monumental tombs, intended for the final resting place of the Mycenaean kings and their relatives. Initially, the dead were burned and the ashes were buried in earthen vessels, and later spread to the custom of burial. With the development of society and the strengthening of royal power appeared and monumental burials, while the rest of the population remained at the old customs.

breakthrough in the development of Mycenaean architecture, the burial took place in the seventeenth-sixteenth century BC One of its symptoms are so-called shaft graves. Windows in the ground dug to a depth of 1-5 m, with sizes ranging from 2.13 to 4.10 x 3.05 x 6.55 m. The side walls enclose stones, and in lots located above - dried bricks. Were placed on the graves of stone monuments ( stele ). The whole area was surrounded by the graves of those oval wall, setting the border. A typical example of such graves are the circles A and B found in the citadel of Mycenae .

In the sixteenth century BC, there are the graves of the first dome, which essentially places of burial of rulers. They were found in various places of Greece, but most important is the team of nine graves of Mycenae. Tomb of the dome building is usually underground, carved in the slope of a hill. It consists of three parts: drome , circular atrium and ventricle. Her symbol was carved into the rock, on top of the hill, and covered dome seeming . From the outside, burying it under the "dome" earth and rubble, and the space between the wall and the rock hill, tightly filled with clay that prevents water penetration. On the apex of the chamber erected the stele. After each funeral dromos filled with earth, and closed the entrance with stones. Summit of the development of architecture in Mycenae tomb falls on the thirteenth century BC It was then that the two most famous tombs: Agamemnon and Clytemnestra.

Selected Poems themed Mythological

Nicholas Bieszczadowski

"The mythology of"


Which we jeżysz bush haircut, and stony heart that
blue when pressed in the fingers of your sister - Selene
tingling chills overlapping the backbone zbielałym
osłupiałych your gna blow into the trap of panic
the elbows immersed their hands in silent dreams
to harass them, and stir until
monster will be born with a chain that keeps a pack of imagination
them over to us, Pied Piper leading a fool you still mocnawy
when others fade
generations resonant laugh your panic
Let 's celebrate a great life you dread god of fear.

Our eternal feast matrix material drained excess

countless births and despair of the great desirability of motherhood
utterly lost her mind now goes
at random from village to village
reeling like a drunken slave, or queen
you bad offspring
banished from his throne to the four winds over the homeless
mistaking them muttering curses with prayers at litościwsi
until they cry
us sit up grandma teen
pancakes and honey podjedz
but the head of the goddess kolebiąc which still smokes
fire as late as the genesis
herself in front of you confesses:
who distorted it made me who changed my womb fruit
cement overgrown cemeteries
fertile rivers of my blood dries the thong
my singing for the glory now chrypi
like broken machines, even the air

soaring winged thing I was inspired
hissing venom and throat reaches
constrictor where przewiał
golden age when the radius of the white columns sisters in the hills on the rims
lifting the heavens
temples nursed wet-nurses caring world peace
man was the measure of all things
rejoicing on my lap and listen to the commandments
could calmly look into the eyes of God
smart as two suns
so take some curious god to question:
and corresponds to the murmur of horror: I
to hell where he sleeps there
nadir of time lies at the root of the most beautiful

hours preaching if I will bring it out of the darkness as the thought of oblivion
and lift the lid and light
then land on the borders of the newly swept
words become flesh in order to recover the importance of
and the man returns to his own heart

like home when it tells them in the fires of prophecy
fade pictures fear:
and if the stars bring forth a monster, instead of mocking
doll What if it mimics life
żerczy chaos unleashed everything? But the old people
parent escapes the categories of their reasoning

and floundering in the foot living space
follow the road where its branches indicate
impenetrable fate.

See the mirrors of sleep time singing złotookiej
traced its mark in the waters of oblivion
go for it is echoed to the bottom silence
living blood to feed her from the open wound that
moved in a dream delight
thorn in her claws to kidnap and kill
hug and then listen as ever dworują
the god what he had lost his head in rapt
klechdach myth fades badly sewn
wing and now the stars shine in the eyes Szych.

Valery Briusow

"Orpheus and Eurydice"


addition each step your hear
I hear, I hear a light step,
rebellious path in life we \u200b\u200bgo through the darkness
You drive, I was, I
, I have to strive forward,
But the sight of blacks I lay,
Black Death darkness clasped her.

Above! Above! Many degrees,
Again the sounds, the sun, the glow, there
sight shadow persists
Where love awaits us!

I dare not, dare not, though thou hast frightened
friend, husband and brother, Jeno
a slight shadow down,
Shadow run again on the world.

Believe me, believe me, already at the threshold
Spring and meet me!
swore if I have a lyre god hymn
breathe life into you.

Who knows the secret language of silence,
Well for him is singing!
Spring Well - asfodelowej
who saw the land of the sowing!

Remember, remember the joy of song, Joy
plantains, green grass!
Remember - the night a secret carpal
sweet, sharp caress fear!

Heart - dead, his chest without moving your embraces
What da?
remember the dreams, but my hearing
not penetrate thy question.

forgot! Do not you remember?
Ah, I remember each time!
No, not even succeed in your graveyard
faces darken me!

Poor brother, I remember the happiness, love
like a silent dream,
But in the darkness of this vast
thy face pale shadow ...

- Well, look! - I look back in the wild
Orpheus in the empty darkness.
- Eurydice! Eurydice! - Only the shadows of groans
switch. Seweryn Pollak
(The picture painted by: Marek Langowski - I recommend all of his oeuvre *)

Joseph Brodsky

"Odysseus to Telemachus"

So Telemachu, my: Troy
war ended. Winners - I do not remember.
Yeah, I guess - The Greeks: so many dead bodies
leave - this can only be Greeks.
And despite everything: from Troy to his homeland
way up was too long,
like Poseidon, when we were there during
lost time and space being stretched.
myself do not know exactly where they are and what
me. Some dirty island,
bushes, buildings, pigs grunting,
densely overgrown yard, some Queen,
rocks, grass ... Telemachu Nice!
are similar to each other all the islands, where so long
wanders and thinks
rachowania messed up from the waves.
tainted horizon, the eye cries, and the meat
water of clogged ears.
I do not remember what the end had a war, unless you count
a year - and I do not remember.
Urośnij big, nice Telemachu!
gods know whether to see.
And with you today is no longer an infant, a former
the bulls stopped. Without
Palameda - we would be together.
But he may have had validity. When I'm gone, do not Receive
passions and dreams, your, Telemachu will be clean.
switch. Arthur Sandauer

Wladyslaw Broniewski



the seas, the seas far away, over
Greek ships of war,
on the wings stretched wide,
light on the bow of war
aisle, turned toward
face winds, roared
thousand Greek sailors
storm of fame!
wiew wide, mouth hot breath
a thousand breasts enough.
then killed on the shield carried at -
beautiful and young.
Oh! not free bloodied face pale, naked breasts
not free the sword slit -
covers the freedom of the sons of the dead

Nike! among the daily struggle
lost sight of your face.
in Paris on the side of a stone through the ages
- Stone - you go on.
angry City deducted the interest,
white wings to fly up and tear
przelata your wind Europe
sea and sitting your blood.
But ours is not changed into the marble,
us kidnapped your wings wiew -
through the ages free
take our joy and song, and blood.
We are soldiers without glory, we do not know
calculations disasters
chains shackled to the nave
obwozimy our pain and fear.
sail on the waves of Lethe,
who will drive us to the ground?
Our eyes - hidden daggers!
Our hearts - suppressed the rebellion!
But somewhere behind the defeat of thousands
finish our bloody march:
will be a different fight and win, another Greek
we take away from the disks.

The sea can be heard groans of the wounded,
preached a hard step, and the top
incessant buzz - it
planes over Morocco.
And again raised rifles, bayonets
cutting measure in the breast, red blood
by yellow China
flows to India and Persia.
After coal, petroleum, salt and gold
the blood back to someone's hands, takes the terrible living

and blood stream is still more ... Blood is still more ...
Oh! Europe! A terrible night! Already
dreams do not close your pupils. As Macbeth
trembling and the blood washes.
See! - Bulgarian rose las gallows.
In a thousand cities, by the guards, spies,
when your dream goes back to the corpse of the Marne!
Look! - She landed on your shores,
is "Prince Patiomkin" with a black flag.
O, tremble! Already Versailles did not help, figs
colors than the roar of the orchestra:
chimneys rising threaten hands -
Basin, Baku, the Ruhr, Manchester!
Already over Paris, over Warsaw,
like a storm, flying dangerous chic - her wings
Wind fame
new victories and new demands - Nike!

Brzozowski Stanisław Korab-

"Shield of Achilles"

Hephaestus, the divine smith , gold scrap from prison
vast mountains, where night reigns forever deaf,
drew it out, barely carries, pants, grabs the spirit
finally on the earth throws in the depths of his ironworks,
I nodded: as a sign of his vigilant workers,
Cyclops, niece fire: heat already bloody puff ;
So throw the block into it, until sparks turmoil
Gorge Etna smoke shoots in the storm.
meantime he grabs a hammer in your hand and force turn
Kuje glowing metal, and the echo of his accompaniment
Punches Cyclops - giant among the embers.
A more pressing the hammer of his times,
For he saw the power of his creative ecstasy,
the shield of Achilles in łunach Castle fire.

Felicjan Falenski


Somewhere, somewhere in the depths of forests, the silence of silence
At the sight of the youth
lies sleepless night - noise
centennial oaks swaying his dream.
every night - the intertwined branches, the leaves, Like water flows

The harmonic tremor
Zdrój humming lights radiating flows.
The flood lights - to the sleepy fog tissue
pale face
virgin goddess
flows from the land of celebrities to visit her lover.
Ramiony white surrounds his neck
and squeezing into the womb,

longing looks into it and again it ramiony white wraps.
And his brow, and mouth kissing virgin
and hair at the temples,
And a sweet flamed,
among caress Whenever I stare him in the face.
and presses his chest to chest youngster,
Until the thrill of delight to him
After the members scatter
I blissfully her that she is loved reciprocally. .
That night the queen at the time the flash of sneaks,
Yes Luna silver
the use of volatile moments,
By the eternal goddess, loved a mortal.
I do not care, though the stars jealous fiery,
Na. Wysokie heaven,
Roziskrzonym eye
Although malignant Marshmallow peep through the leaves.
For two lucky - alone, though in a crowd, Is
in a flower - a tender scent?
Do glow in the shadow. hidden?
Is a shame to be the heart that loves, and knows how?
I just - when, in the dull crack of thunder growling,
the sky with high clouds will flow
comes to visit her lover is not Luna.
Because happiness, because the soul eternally young,
Because the heart - the need

Blue skies and silence półsennej, and clear weather.

Cd poems on the occasion ...


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